
"To advance the company of Osaka capital in the Philippines" Osaka and Sumitomo Corporation jointly plan




 海外市場に活路を見出そうというのは、国内企業の多くが考えることだ。しかし、中小企業が進出するとなると手続きの煩雑さなどが障害になってくる。そこにヘルプの手を出したのが、住友商事だ。同社が出資するフィリピンの工業団地First Philippine Industrial Park(バタンガス州サント・トマス市、以下「ファーストフィリピン工業団地」)と大阪府との間で、府内企業のフィリピンにおける事業展開を支援し、大阪府とフィリピンの経済交流促進を図ることを目的に、ファーストフィリピン工業団地へ新規入居する府内中小企業に特化したサポートを導入する内容の協定を締結することで合意した。


"To advance the company of Osaka capital in the Philippines" Osaka and Sumitomo Corporation jointly plan

Osaka Matsui governor, the only O started New Year's work from January 12, visited the Philippines, signed a memorandum of understanding to support the Philippines advance of Osaka of SMEs with the government. It emphasized the active support to go posture companies seeking overseas markets, place the staff in charge of Osaka Philippine government a memorandum of understanding, was included and to support business start-up.

Philippines, in addition to economic growth, that official language is English, small and medium-sized enterprises is also attracting attention as overseas bases and the like that labor costs are low compared to neighboring countries. Matsui governor in the conference before departure "when the Osaka of companies to expand into more and more young country are increasing population. Will now further huge market. Local industrial park, want to ask that get to lower costs even a little." I was talking with.

It's that trying to find a way out to the overseas market is that think many domestic companies. However, such as the complexity of the procedure small and medium-sized enterprises is when you advance comes an obstacle. There has had dabbled of help, but Sumitomo Corporation. Philippine Industrial Park First Philippine Industrial Park (Batangas Santo Tomas City, hereinafter referred to as "First Philippine Industrial Park") that the company invested in between the Osaka Prefecture, and to support business development in the Philippines of Funai companies, and Osaka to aim to achieve economic exchange promotion in the Philippines, it was agreed to conclude the agreement of the contents of introducing the support that specializes in Funai small and medium-sized enterprises to new tenants to First Philippine Industrial Park.

comprehensive support by local governments and the industrial park is partnership, that's first efforts in the Philippines. Concrete support, Sumitomo Corporation In the "is considering the support or the like in the subject to various incentives and estates advance procedure small and medium-sized enterprises in Osaka Prefecture, etc., but it is yet to be determined," you are talking to.

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