

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, 3 day losing streak yen burden rice stock sales underpinned

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 17 days and continued to fall three days, to close at 16,936 yen 38 sen compared with the day before 38 yen 7 sen (0.22%) depreciation. US decline from the US Federal Open Market Committee was announced in the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) is 16 days (FOMC) last time the central value of the participants in the policy interest rate outlook (December last year). Appreciation of the yen against the dollar proceeds from the perspective of the US interest rate hike pace has slowed, it was growing future concern of performance mainly export-related companies. The Nikkei average interrupt the previous day closing price to enter the afternoon, lowering width was more than a temporary 100 yen.

In the morning, the Nikkei average the US stock sales in the 16 days tailwind has been expanded temporarily to 278 yen gains, momentum of buying did not last. Poor to the new material, it seems momentum nephew upside was poor. Since the beginning in the afternoon, sometimes yen exchange rate gave a high price for the first time in three weeks, swelled selling, such as in automobile stocks.

Interest is high was the market voice of the "While there is a sense of security that was safe to pass through the Monetary Policy Meeting in Japan, the United States and Europe, the rise of the single-stage is need for new materials" (Masahiro Ichikawa senior strategist at Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management) It was heard. Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange amounted to 2 trillion 261.8 billion yen estimate, trade from the day before that fell below the 2 trillion yen swelled.

東証大引け、3日続落 円高が重荷 米株高は下支え







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