Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, bargain-hunting in 8 days after a small rebound domestic demand, supported also high oil prices
Emerging Stock 7 days, JASDAQ a small rebound.
Mothers who bought the bio strains significantly firmer
The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 7 days was slightly rebounded for the first time in eight business days. It finished at 15,749 yen 84 sen compared with the day before 34 yen 48 sen (0.22%) Net. To view emerged with is undervalued in the losing streak 7 days up to the day before leaving, was pushing up the market contains the bargain-hunting in domestic demand-related. On the other hand, upside followed by selling in export-related in the yen against the dollar progress has been limited.
The Nikkei average was 1400 yen ultra decline in 7 days continued to fall until the day before. This day was invited to buy into domestic demand shares such as railways and construction. New York crude oil futures price rises of 6 days, went buying in resource-related, such as international stone open Teiseki in Tokyo stock market. On the other hand, it rose to $ 1 = 108 base is yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market, the Nikkei average was noticeable also scene to lower in performance deterioration concern of exporters.
JPX Nikkei index 400 rebounded to 3 days the first time. Closing price was 10,000 1,484.43 the previous day ratio of 52.67 points (0.46 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebounded in the three days the first time and finished at 1,272.64 of 4.89 points (0.39 percent) high.
Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was 2 trillion 89.8 billion yen estimate. Trading volume was 2.1 billion 12.41 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted 52.4% of the total and 1023. Drops is 776, unchanged was the 151 stocks.
TSE II stock index rebounded for the first time in eight days.
Today's Mothers market, greatly increased become a mainstay of SOSEI <4565> Gaken'in auditors. In addition to shop around to other biotechnology stocks has spread, material stocks and theme strain, containing the aggressive buying in stocks, which has been a tight down to the day before. Amid the yen to proceed, but also become a support material that the average Nikkei was firm. In addition, Mothers index has become a significant stretch in succession, a 5% increase in the near future. 169.096 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimates. Losers number, became a rose 128 stocks, drops 86 stocks, unchanged 10 stocks.
In emerging enterprise stock market of 7 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average was slightly rebound for the first time in eight business days. Closing price was the day before ratio of 1 yen 3 sen (0.04%) High 2364 yen 80 sen. Nikkei, such as to repel the average stock price for the first time in eight business days, worsening of market sentiment was smoke in response to the rise of the US stock market and crude oil futures market price of the day before. Movement to shop around a light emerging strains of price movement in the center of the individual investor has spread. However, advanced to $ 1 = 108 yen in the foreign exchange market the yen against the dollar has also become a burden in emerging markets, JASDAQ average of afternoon sluggish.
Buying and selling price is estimated at 36.8 billion yen of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 91.81 million shares. Carna and San electronic, ReproCELL rises. Other hand, eye Santeku and EAJ, ceria fell. JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks was fell back slightly to.
東証大引け、8日ぶり小反発 内需に押し目買い、原油高も支え
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