

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, the Nikkei 225, 3 days after falls in reaction yen burden, real estate price will not reach the 2 trillion yen
Emerging Stock 11 days, JASDAQ three days stretch in succession Mothers 9 years 1 month high

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 11 days fell back to 3 days the first time. Closing price was 15,751 yen 13 sen before weekend ratio of 70 yen 39 sen (0.44%) depreciation. Increased to yen exchange rate is $ 1 = 107 yen level the second half in the foreign exchange market, was out selling from concern swing performance under the export companies in a wide range of stocks. Nikkei down the width of the average was also the scene approaching to 300 yen.

Poor conspicuous clue, was strong wait-and-see mood of investors. Before the 2016 fiscal year ended March 31 closing of the major companies that full-scale announcement from next week, aggressive buying was holding back. Tokyo Stock Exchange and one trillion 860.4 billion yen buying and selling price of one part are approximate, was the fourth of the low level this year, below the 2 trillion yen.

Afternoon session is selling has run its course. Buying in the lower price that focuses on affordability enters intermittently, was Sageshibu' through closing. It was also view that was also made to support speculation, such as buying by public pension in the market.

JPX Nikkei index 400 was fell back to 3 days the first time. Before finishing at 10,000 1549.34 weekend ratio 72.96 points (0.63 percent) lower. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also fell back to 3 days after, the closing price was 1279.79 depreciation of the same 7.90 points (0.61 percent).

The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange trading volume is 1.8 billion 26.57 million shares. Gainers in 1116, rise is 698, unchanged was 136.

Appreciation of the yen due to export profitability of worsening concern from Toyota and Honda, the automobile stocks such as Fuji Heavy Industries has been pressed to sell. Significantly weaker aligned Pasona G and Shimachu Co., Ltd. has announced the modification of the financial outlook. Other hand, Yakult has announced a price increase of main products has increased significantly. Government is transmitted and embark in the public and private sectors in infrastructure development for the realization of automatic operation vehicles, Pioneer and Zenrin has attracted buying.

TSE II stock index has continued to grow slightly to 3 days. Art SHD, Aireppu, up is Noda, Zojirushi and Laox fell.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 11 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average continued to grow 3 days. Closing price was the weekend before ratio 22 yen 99 sen (0.97%) and high of 2402 yen 72 sen. For leading shares that spread the mood ahead of the buyer in the appreciation of the yen, price movements of light emerging company stocks steady. Domestic demand-related stocks led to also buy ease to occupy a lot. On the market for the climax of the emerging strain "in addition to containing the ransacked of speculative private, foreign investors refrained from buying to leading shares was invested funds in emerging stocks with growth potential" (Fujimoto of SBI Securities Nobuyuki there was a voice of the senior market analyst).

Buying and selling price is 55.5 billion yen in the estimate of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 100 million 72.73 million shares. Teitsu and Dawn, eye Santeku rise. Dawn and Eye Santeku became the driving force is, spread both buying growth expectations in the automatic operation. Other hand, Puropasuto and Iriso electronic, Nippon Life L fell. JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks has continued to grow.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was continued to grow four days. Closing price at 1075.20 before weekend ratio 32.95 points (3.16 percent) high, it was high for the first time in a month about nine years for the first time since March 2007.

東証大引け、日経225は、3日ぶり反落 円高重荷、売買代金は2兆円に届かず








新興株11日、ジャスダックは3日続伸 マザーズは9年1カ月ぶり高値





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