

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, the Bank of Japan falls in reaction ETF buying expected recession
Trading volume this year at least.
Tokyo market, are enjoying a summer vacation
Emerging Stock 15 days, JASDAQ individual ransacked continue at slightly firmer thin trading

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 15 days fell back and finished at 16,869 yen 56 sen before weekend ratio of 50 yen 36 sen (0.30%) depreciation. In addition to the appreciation of the yen led to the deterioration of investor sentiment, the observation of the exchange-traded fund (ETF) buying the Bank of Japan does not fall today has become a burden.

Yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market advances is $ 1 = 101 yen level and the appreciation of the yen, profitability of export companies have spread a sense of caution and worse. Nikkei is also possible to average 665 yen in the previous week (4%) 17,000 yen of the psychological milestone to rise is approaching, I was invited back waiting for selling and profit-taking.

However Nikkei average was also a scene that starts to rise. AM has a strong expectations for the ETF buying by the Bank of Japan, came out a movement to buy part of the Nikkei average of the constituent stocks. Also the April-June quarter gross domestic product (GDP) preliminary deal before the start announcement is lower than the market expected, were able to draw a share buy-in part from the perspective of and encourage the government and the Bank of Japan policy coordination.

But from that rate of decline of the Tokyo Stock Price Index of before the close time (TOPIX) was small, ETF buying expectation has been pressed to sell to retreat gradually.

JPX Nikkei index 400 fell back, before it was 10,000 1853.67 weekend ratio 58.40 points (0.49%) depreciation. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) was also 1316.63 of fall back to 6.59 points (0.50%) depreciation.

Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is a one trillion 570.1 billion yen at a rough estimate, May 30 (one trillion 560.5 billion yen) was the lowest level since 2 and a half months the first time. Trading volume records the lowest this year and 1.2 billion 43.77 million shares, was a low level for the first time in four months about two years since 18 April 2014. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 60 percent of the entire 1260. Rise is 568, unchanged was the 144 stocks.

In addition to before the Japan Post and Tonen Zene announced financial results for the weekend was lowered significantly, Toyota and Nissan own, stood out also selling the automobile stocks such as Mazda. Mitsui Sumitomo FG and Mitsubishi UFJ, Takeda and also first Sankyo cheap.

On the other hand Softbank has surged in. V-Tech and Nichiden production, also increased made Murata.

TSE II stock index has continued to grow 5 days. Up is sharp and Laox, was lowered KOMEHYO and J Trust.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 15 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average was slightly firmer in. Closing price was the weekend before ratio of 2 yen 37 sen (0.10%) high 2467 yen 84 sen. Fewer market participants in the Obon holiday, amid a light trading, followed by a flow of sorting ransacked the stocks that 2016 April-June quarter financial results came out of good material, such as stocks was good.

Buying and selling price is 27.5 billion yen in the estimate of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 75.75 million shares. Asutomakusu and Hirata, was conspicuous rise of boy sushi. Paradise hot water and Tatsumo, ceria is lowered. JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks was fell back for the first time in three business days.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was continued to grow slightly in four days. Closing price was the weekend before ratio 6.29 points (0.67%) higher 946.32. Mobukyasu and mixi, freaks Out rose. Saw Sayre Akatsuki, Ignis fell.

東証大引け、反落 日銀ETF買い期待が後退
新興株15日、ジャスダックは小幅続伸 薄商いで個別物色続く














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