

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, the ETF buying review observation of pullback BOJ burden
Emerging Stock 20 days, JASDAQ is light trading before slightly firmer monetary policy meeting

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 20 days was pullback. Closing price was the previous business day ratio 27 yen 14 sen (0.16 percent) depreciation 16,492 yen 15 sen. Tour of the exchange-traded fund (ETF) purchase of the Bank of Japan, Bank of Japan is the observation of the go ahead to the review, such as suppressing the buying of Nikkei average type emerged. Large value is a strain of this for index contribution has become a burden of the entire sold market.

Also the financial turmoil in Europe has increased during the holidays has become a burden of Japanese stocks. Lower width had a scene where more than a temporary 100 yen in the morning.

There is also a reaction that had fallen 2.6 percent in the week last week, the Nikkei average contains the bargain-hunting at the lower price was also a scene that starts to raise. Difficult to read market expansion after the decision of the Bank of Japan, supported the market also repurchase of investors that the results of the meeting is to try to neutral and has high before become apparent.

Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) has continued to grow, it was 1316.97 of the previous business day ratio 5.47 points (0.42 percent) high. JPX Nikkei index 400 also continued to grow, it was 10,000 1812.31 of 43.45 points (0.37 percent) high.

Tokyo Stock Exchange 2 trillion 74.9 billion yen buying and selling price of one part are approximate, trading volume was 1.7 billion 95.59 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange at 876, price increases exceeded the drops and 932. Unchanged was the 169 stocks.

Value is of Fasutori become significantly weaker, it was lowered also Fanuc and TDK. Conspicuous selling to international stone open Teikoku Oil and petroleum resources development and anaerobic crude oil weaker. Nippon Steel Sumitomo Metals and JFE, Tokio Marine, also sell such as Dai-ichi Life was dominant. On the other hand, the East gas or large gas rises. Nintendo and Sony, DeNA, Toyota, Nissan itself also increased.

TSE II stock index rebounded for the first time in six business days. Utsumi up the elephants and Takumina, it was lowered Zojirushi and Rikei.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 20 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average was slightly firmer in. Closing price was the weekend before ratio of 5 yen 07 sen (0.21%) high 2474 yen 63 sen. It was followed by a move to shop around individual small-cap stocks and the strong performance stocks in coming out of individually material. However tomorrow or later, in the refrain from the results announcement of the Monetary Policy Meeting in Japan, the United States, aggressive buying and selling are holding back, trading was lacking in excitement.

Buying and selling price is estimated at 330 billion yen of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 200 million 9.04 million shares. Tanaka of Research and Cosmo Bio, Hirata was increased. IG port and Seputeni HD, ceria fell.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was small pullback. Closing price was the weekend before ratio 6.60 points (0.72%) cheap 905.13. 14 days other skewers were newly listed Tanaka, it was conspicuous drops of large stocks of market capitalization, such as saw Sayre Saibadain. Refined V and Enigumo, Eid is raised.

東証大引け、反落 日銀のETF買い見直し観測が重荷
新興株20日、ジャスダックは小幅続伸 金融政策決定会合前に薄商い












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