2016-01-29 Nikkei225->17,518.30(+476.85) JPX400->12,917.43(+370.21) J-VIX->31.72
The Nikkei average 476 yen and the significant rebound, 17,500 yen recovery, volatility in the interest rate minus the introduction of the Bank of Japan
The Nikkei Stock Average significantly rebound and 17,518 yen 30 sen compared with the day before 476 yen 85 sen high 29th afternoon session. 17,500 yen stand in the closing price is substantially higher level of the half-moon the first time since January 13 (17,715 yen 63 sen). Medium-width is 871 yen 84 sen and December 18 (886 yen 83 sen) since the size of the day.
Afternoon session was volatile. He received a negative interest introduced coverage of the Bank of Japan, afternoon approaching suddenly emerged in positive territory again. After that, the Bank of Japan decided to introduce negative interest rates, along with the weaker yen progress, contains large buying in stock index futures, surged to 17,638 yen 93 sen to 46 minutes midnight pm (the day before ratio 597 yen 48 sen net). After the round of buying, rapidly downward Partly circle Sageshiburi, to 13:20 there was a scene that put the 16,767 yen 09 sen (same 274 yen 36 SenYasu). The effect of negative interest rates had come out also view that limiting. After that, the re-buy, was picking up big.
Volume of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange 4.1 billion 25.05 million shares, buying and selling price is 4 trillion 431.7 billion yen any and high level of nearly 5-month since August 25 last year. Losers number of stocks rose 1721 stocks, drops 186 stocks, 28 stocks unchanged.
Bank of Japan introduces negative interest rate
To determine the current account negative interest ratethe Bank of Japan a new monetary easing measures
Bank of Japan monetary policy decision meeting open until 29, decided to go ahead with interest rates that are attached to the part of the current account deposits that are entrusted from financial institutions in a new monetary easing to reduce the negative. This, and directed to lending huge amounts of money in the financial institutions that have built up in the Bank of Japan of the account, you can see that there is a steadily advance the aim of deflation.
Bank of Japan two days up to 29 days to open the monetary policy meeting, announced a statement.
And depends on it, for the interest rate that the Bank of Japan has been put on the amount that exceeds a certain level of the current account deposits that are entrusted from financial institutions, that the go ahead to a new monetary easing to reduce from the current 0.1% to 0.1% minus I decided. Minus interest rates has to be introduced from next month on the 16th.
This, from the fact that the benefits of financial institutions keep deposit need more funds to the Bank of Japan fades, as the Bank of Japan, the capital of financial institutions that have built up in the Bank of Japan's account, more aggressively to divert such as lending It is seen that there is a aim to encourage.
Bank of Japan, maintaining purchases frame 80 trillion yen of negative interest rates introduced long-term government bonds with additional mitigation measures
Bank of Japan ends the Monetary Policy Meeting of the 29th private bank has decided to introduce a "negative interest" to impose a 0 - 1% of the fee to the part of the funds that are deposited in the Bank of Japan. Bank of Japan is easing, purchases frame 80 trillion yen of long-term government bonds is maintained.
In addition, it was postponed to achieve time of 2% of the inflation target in the "2017 first half of fiscal around". Until now it had been the "around 28 the second half of fiscal". Of achievement time postponement is the third time.
Minus interest rate decision of the Bank of Japan, in favor of the five out of nine of the policy committee, 4 people were opposed.
■ negative interest
Private banks deposit in the Bank of Japan for the "current account", rather than the Bank of Japan pay interest, how the bank side for a fee. One of the additional monetary easing measures. Bank is to reduce the current account, increase the investment and lending increased, it is to be effective to stimulate the real economy.
日銀 新たな金融緩和策決定 当座預金金利マイナスに
日銀、追加緩和策でマイナス金利導入 長期国債の買い入れ枠80兆円維持
Bank of Japan monetary policy decision meeting open until 29, decided to go ahead with interest rates that are attached to the part of the current account deposits that are entrusted from financial institutions in a new monetary easing to reduce the negative. This, and directed to lending huge amounts of money in the financial institutions that have built up in the Bank of Japan of the account, you can see that there is a steadily advance the aim of deflation.
Bank of Japan two days up to 29 days to open the monetary policy meeting, announced a statement.
And depends on it, for the interest rate that the Bank of Japan has been put on the amount that exceeds a certain level of the current account deposits that are entrusted from financial institutions, that the go ahead to a new monetary easing to reduce from the current 0.1% to 0.1% minus I decided. Minus interest rates has to be introduced from next month on the 16th.
This, from the fact that the benefits of financial institutions keep deposit need more funds to the Bank of Japan fades, as the Bank of Japan, the capital of financial institutions that have built up in the Bank of Japan's account, more aggressively to divert such as lending It is seen that there is a aim to encourage.
Bank of Japan, maintaining purchases frame 80 trillion yen of negative interest rates introduced long-term government bonds with additional mitigation measures
Bank of Japan ends the Monetary Policy Meeting of the 29th private bank has decided to introduce a "negative interest" to impose a 0 - 1% of the fee to the part of the funds that are deposited in the Bank of Japan. Bank of Japan is easing, purchases frame 80 trillion yen of long-term government bonds is maintained.
In addition, it was postponed to achieve time of 2% of the inflation target in the "2017 first half of fiscal around". Until now it had been the "around 28 the second half of fiscal". Of achievement time postponement is the third time.
Minus interest rate decision of the Bank of Japan, in favor of the five out of nine of the policy committee, 4 people were opposed.
■ negative interest
Private banks deposit in the Bank of Japan for the "current account", rather than the Bank of Japan pay interest, how the bank side for a fee. One of the additional monetary easing measures. Bank is to reduce the current account, increase the investment and lending increased, it is to be effective to stimulate the real economy.
日銀 新たな金融緩和策決定 当座預金金利マイナスに
日銀、追加緩和策でマイナス金利導入 長期国債の買い入れ枠80兆円維持
Forbes Japan Says Japan market withdrawal of Ford "deserved either"
Japan market withdrawal of Ford "deserved either"
Ford Motor Co. on January 25, announced that it would withdraw from Japan and Indonesia market by the end of this year. This that is given at the same time become clear, the company consistently until the end, was that you're going to maintain an attitude of criticizing the "closed Japanese market."
The company's spokesman, Neil McCarthy for the AP after the announcement of the withdrawal, "Japan is the most automobile market has been closed country in the developed countries. Among the new cars of annual sales, the proportion of the imported cars It said even less than "6%. The previous stage of the part, but received opinion of the automobile trade policy Council of the US (AAPC). There is no evidence to prove to be a correct claim. In addition, the subsequent stage is rich in originality - seen as borrowed from the "law lie in the statistics statistics Introduction that do not use the formula (How to lie with statistics)."
Among the Japanese car sales, it's true that the proportion of the imported cars is around 10% (about 6.5% if you include a light car). But, the Ford do not want noticed anyone is the fact that this figure is clearly that there is a vibrant imported car market of Japan. This proportion in Europe is about 4%, and in China the same 5% (by China Automobile Manufacturers Association of data), much lower than Japan. However, there is no thing Ford is to complain about the European and Chinese automobile market is heard. Share the company will hold in these countries would be the reason.
The other one, Ford does not want to be known to you, our own is in competition in the Japanese market, a fact that was lost to Europeans. Japan is of the 30 million units more than foreign-made cars imported during the last year, was more than 80% of the European brand of car. US-made is, it has remained in only 4%. Japan, home to auto manufacturers more than 10 companies in Japan, it is a competitive market. US manufacturers, including Ford, there are also aspects be led to think that it would have no motivation. Part of Ford vehicles to be imported, it leaves the handle is attached to the opposite side. Even sales of Ford vehicles in conjunction with GM, fall short than half of the Jeep is popular FCA in US manufacturer. Under these circumstances, the Ford has been allowed without withdrawal from the Japanese market up to now, would say a miracle.
Indonesia market "gave up"?
Withdrawal from the Indonesian market, but complete "surrender". One analyst, said, "It is a new step towards the worldwide defeat of the US auto industry."
Japanese market is already saturated. And by population decline and aging, it has gotten a downward curve. However, Indonesia's the opposite of it. Approximately twice the population of Japan. Automobile market has just started to grow. Population 1,000 capita car ownership whereas about a 600 units in Japan, Indonesia is about 50 cars. The country's automotive market, which has grown rapidly from about 10 years ago 2014, annual sales were a record high. This is, Indonesia is for the automaker that has the patience of a little bit with the foresight, should not deny the fact that a country that promises a long-term interests.
But, for the problem of Ford, Indonesia is more than Japan, but it is that it is a strong market Japanese manufacturers. Japanese manufacturers of share 2015, reached 96.5%. Sales of Ford cars in Indonesia up to the year 1 to 11 months, was not less than 5,000. On the other hand sales of Japanese cars in, it has recorded 100 million units nearby.
同社の広報担当、ニール・マッカーシーは撤退の発表後にAP通信に対し、「日本は先進国の中で最も自動車市場が閉ざされた国だ。新車の年間販売台数のうち、輸入車が占める割合は6%にも満たない」と語った。前段の部分は、米自動車貿易政策評議会(AAPC)の受け売りだ。正しい主張であると証明する根拠はない。さらに、後段は独創性に富んだ「統計でウソをつく法―数式を使わない統計学入門(How to lie with statistics)」からの借用とみられる。
日本の自動車販売台数のうち、輸入車が占める割合が10%前後 (軽自動車を含めれば約6.5%)であることは確かだ。だが、フォードが誰にも気づいてほしくないのは、この数字は日本の輸入車市場に活気があることを明示しているという事実だ。この割合は欧州では約4%、中国では同5%(中国自動車工業会のデータによる)であり、日本よりずっと低い。しかし、フォードが欧州や中国の自動車市場について不平を言うのは聞いたことがない。これら各国で自社が握るシェアがその理由だろう。
Ford Motor Co. on January 25, announced that it would withdraw from Japan and Indonesia market by the end of this year. This that is given at the same time become clear, the company consistently until the end, was that you're going to maintain an attitude of criticizing the "closed Japanese market."
The company's spokesman, Neil McCarthy for the AP after the announcement of the withdrawal, "Japan is the most automobile market has been closed country in the developed countries. Among the new cars of annual sales, the proportion of the imported cars It said even less than "6%. The previous stage of the part, but received opinion of the automobile trade policy Council of the US (AAPC). There is no evidence to prove to be a correct claim. In addition, the subsequent stage is rich in originality - seen as borrowed from the "law lie in the statistics statistics Introduction that do not use the formula (How to lie with statistics)."
Among the Japanese car sales, it's true that the proportion of the imported cars is around 10% (about 6.5% if you include a light car). But, the Ford do not want noticed anyone is the fact that this figure is clearly that there is a vibrant imported car market of Japan. This proportion in Europe is about 4%, and in China the same 5% (by China Automobile Manufacturers Association of data), much lower than Japan. However, there is no thing Ford is to complain about the European and Chinese automobile market is heard. Share the company will hold in these countries would be the reason.
The other one, Ford does not want to be known to you, our own is in competition in the Japanese market, a fact that was lost to Europeans. Japan is of the 30 million units more than foreign-made cars imported during the last year, was more than 80% of the European brand of car. US-made is, it has remained in only 4%. Japan, home to auto manufacturers more than 10 companies in Japan, it is a competitive market. US manufacturers, including Ford, there are also aspects be led to think that it would have no motivation. Part of Ford vehicles to be imported, it leaves the handle is attached to the opposite side. Even sales of Ford vehicles in conjunction with GM, fall short than half of the Jeep is popular FCA in US manufacturer. Under these circumstances, the Ford has been allowed without withdrawal from the Japanese market up to now, would say a miracle.
Indonesia market "gave up"?
Withdrawal from the Indonesian market, but complete "surrender". One analyst, said, "It is a new step towards the worldwide defeat of the US auto industry."
Japanese market is already saturated. And by population decline and aging, it has gotten a downward curve. However, Indonesia's the opposite of it. Approximately twice the population of Japan. Automobile market has just started to grow. Population 1,000 capita car ownership whereas about a 600 units in Japan, Indonesia is about 50 cars. The country's automotive market, which has grown rapidly from about 10 years ago 2014, annual sales were a record high. This is, Indonesia is for the automaker that has the patience of a little bit with the foresight, should not deny the fact that a country that promises a long-term interests.
But, for the problem of Ford, Indonesia is more than Japan, but it is that it is a strong market Japanese manufacturers. Japanese manufacturers of share 2015, reached 96.5%. Sales of Ford cars in Indonesia up to the year 1 to 11 months, was not less than 5,000. On the other hand sales of Japanese cars in, it has recorded 100 million units nearby.
同社の広報担当、ニール・マッカーシーは撤退の発表後にAP通信に対し、「日本は先進国の中で最も自動車市場が閉ざされた国だ。新車の年間販売台数のうち、輸入車が占める割合は6%にも満たない」と語った。前段の部分は、米自動車貿易政策評議会(AAPC)の受け売りだ。正しい主張であると証明する根拠はない。さらに、後段は独創性に富んだ「統計でウソをつく法―数式を使わない統計学入門(How to lie with statistics)」からの借用とみられる。
日本の自動車販売台数のうち、輸入車が占める割合が10%前後 (軽自動車を含めれば約6.5%)であることは確かだ。だが、フォードが誰にも気づいてほしくないのは、この数字は日本の輸入車市場に活気があることを明示しているという事実だ。この割合は欧州では約4%、中国では同5%(中国自動車工業会のデータによる)であり、日本よりずっと低い。しかし、フォードが欧州や中国の自動車市場について不平を言うのは聞いたことがない。これら各国で自社が握るシェアがその理由だろう。
2016-01-28 Nikkei225->17,041.45(-122.47) JPX400->12,547.22(-81.98) J-VIX->38.07
Nikkei average closing | Pullback in the sense of caution into US stock prices and the Bank of Japan decision meeting
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market 28 days was pullback. It finished at ¥ 17,041 45 sen of the day before ratio 122 yen 47 sen (0.71%) weaker. It is determined status quo of the day before the US monetary policy will lead to the US stock prices, investor sentiment has deteriorated in Tokyo stock market. Wait-and-see attitude ahead of the announcement of tomorrow of the Bank of Japan Monetary Policy Meeting was also spread. On the other hand, the yen review buying has propped up an incoming market to export-related by proceeding slightly weaker yen direction.
Attention is the US Federal Reserve Board, which has (FRB) has determined the status quo of the US Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) in policy that opens gathered. Although the wording was added to the "carefully to watch the progress of the world economy and financial environment", US stocks of the day before and seen that it is not the content of about retracting the interest rate hike in March is was predominant selling It was. Investor sentiment is worsening of the Tokyo stock market in the morning in the US stock prices, the Nikkei average had a scene where lowered to 200 yen more than the day before a temporary ratio.
US Apple announced that it would fall below 10% near in comparison to the same period last year the outlook for the January-March 2016 period sales on the 26th, growth slowed Apple stock is anaerobic fell about 6 percent on the 27th. In response to this associative selling in stocks that are Apple-related, such as TDK and Taiyo Yuden has become the burden of the market to spread.
JPX Nikkei index 400 was also fell back. Closing price was 10 000 2547.22 of the previous day 81.98 points (0.65%) weaker. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also fell back, I finished at 1392.10 of depreciation 8.60 points (0.61 percent).
Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was 2 trillion 377.2 billion yen in rough figures. Trading volume was 2.1 billion 45.39 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 56.5% of the total and 1095. Rise is 753, unchanged was the 87 stocks.
日経平均 大引け|米株安・日銀決定会合への警戒感で反落
Japan closed market? You know what Ford in Japan were sold at much the Fiesta?
When calculated at $ 1=116 yen
FIESTA 1.0 is $20,344 Sale in Japan
In addition, it is $ 517 additional fee that's metallic black
In addition, In addition, the tax is 8% addition
Who, $ 22,000 is also out, you buy Fiesta?
At $ 12,000 if SUZUKI and Renault Nissan, you can buy a car of the same category.
Whether the iPhone is sold at such a premium price in Japan?
Japanese archipelago is long in the vertical, also different cars that are required
Wise Ford was from when turned to fool?
Carlos Ghosn, is doing well.
Micron Technology also is doing well to buy Elpida.
It carries the F150 via Seattle, and create a sales base in Hokkaido, the Russian Far East and Mongolia, and should I sell to Eastern Europe in the Trans-Siberian Railway.
In Hokkaido, it can also collaborate because there is a major plant of Bridgestone.
Sales network in Hokkaido, it is good if you use a large aftermarket parts shop.
FIESTA 1.0 is $20,344 Sale in Japan
In addition, it is $ 517 additional fee that's metallic black
In addition, In addition, the tax is 8% addition
Who, $ 22,000 is also out, you buy Fiesta?
At $ 12,000 if SUZUKI and Renault Nissan, you can buy a car of the same category.
Whether the iPhone is sold at such a premium price in Japan?
Japanese archipelago is long in the vertical, also different cars that are required
Wise Ford was from when turned to fool?
Carlos Ghosn, is doing well.
Micron Technology also is doing well to buy Elpida.
It carries the F150 via Seattle, and create a sales base in Hokkaido, the Russian Far East and Mongolia, and should I sell to Eastern Europe in the Trans-Siberian Railway.
In Hokkaido, it can also collaborate because there is a major plant of Bridgestone.
Sales network in Hokkaido, it is good if you use a large aftermarket parts shop.
Major aftermarket parts shop YellowHat
BridgeStone's aftermarket parts shop
Why Ford.What withdrawal without selling F150 in Hokkaido Japan? sales in the Amazon. Will there is a variety of sales methods.
US auto giant Ford is found to be a policy to withdraw from Japan as far as this year.
According to the such as the American NBC television, Ford the 25th, by e-mail sent, such as employees, "in Japan closed market, imported cars is only 6% of the total new cars sold" as, of Japan It revealed to withdraw as far year from the market. In which the aging, is "car away" of the younger generation advance, and is listed in the reason that "you do not see a reasonable way to make a profit."
Ford but the nation's second-largest automaker, according to the Japan Automobile Importers Association, 65 162 units of annual new car registrations in 2015 in Japan Mercedes-Benz, to the 46 229 units of BMW, Ford 4968 if you are given a big difference with the platform, the past few years performance was also sluggish.
"Closed market," the US Ford is to Japan withdrawal
Nippon Television (NNN) January 26 (Tuesday) 9:25 delivery
According to the such as the American NBC television, Ford the 25th, by e-mail sent, such as employees, "in Japan closed market, imported cars is only 6% of the total new cars sold" as, of Japan It revealed to withdraw as far year from the market. In which the aging, is "car away" of the younger generation advance, and is listed in the reason that "you do not see a reasonable way to make a profit."
Ford but the nation's second-largest automaker, according to the Japan Automobile Importers Association, 65 162 units of annual new car registrations in 2015 in Japan Mercedes-Benz, to the 46 229 units of BMW, Ford 4968 if you are given a big difference with the platform, the past few years performance was also sluggish.
"Closed market," the US Ford is to Japan withdrawal
Nippon Television (NNN) January 26 (Tuesday) 9:25 delivery
2016-01-27 Nikkei225->17,163.92(+455.02) JPX400->12,629.20(+355.41) J-VIX->38.11
Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, 90% increase in risk appetite the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange at a much rebound psychological improvement
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market on the 27th to significantly rebound, finishing the trading at ¥ 17 163 92 sen of the day before ratio 455 yen 02 sen (2.72%) high. Investor sentiment has improved in the recovery of the previous day's Western high stock and oil prices. that the yen exchange rate fell also become a tailwind, it became the dominant order to buy immediately after trading started. Bought a wide range of issues around the flagship large-cap stocks, 90% or more of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange rose.
Among the market is strong, investors I strengthened the attitude to take to actively operational risk. In the scene where main lines were strengthened Tosei, the Nikkei average of the increase rate has exceeded a temporary 500 yen. All 36 industries has increased in industry Nikkei average.
Shanghai, China stock market is a weak deployment continued, below the ¥ 2,700 temporary milestone. Investor wariness of China stock prices Jiwarito spread between, Nikkei influence had also mean sluggish growth scene limiting, it was expanded again increase rate over the transaction near the end.
In the US Apple on the 26th evening earnings announcement relates to future prospects of the sale of smartphone "iPhone (iPhone)", it showed a cautious view. Although started in the prior to buying such as Murata made and the Alps "Apple-related" strain, the pressure was increased to sell gradually.
JPX Nikkei index 400 significantly rebound. Closing price was 10 000 2629.20 of the previous day 355.41 points (2.90 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebound, I finished in 1400.70 of 40.47 points (2.98 percent) high.
Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 2 trillion 451.4 billion yen in rough figures. Trading volume was 2.2 billion 57.57 million shares. Rise number of stocks of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange 1831, drops 78, unchanged was 24.
東証大引け、大幅反発 心理改善でリスク選好 東証1部の9割上昇
Advance management integration of Nissan and Renault
Listen to Renault and functional integration expansion Carlos Ghosn Nissan CEO
Alliance effect, in the year 550 billion yen, an agreement with the French government "3's consent."
Nissan Carlos Ghosn, chief executive officer (CEO) March 25, according to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun interview, for the last year in December of an agreement with the French government over the relationship between the French Renault, the form that can be convinced "3 person in it said that was settled. "On top of that, and the like may want to consider a new function integration and Renault before the end of the year, it announced a policy to produce an annual 550 billion yen or more of the alliance effect. Also deepen cooperation in advanced technology such as automatic operation, to strengthen the competitiveness of the group.
Renault 43.4% of Nissan shares, Nissan has a 15% of Renault shares. April 2014, the French government is the largest shareholder of Renault is enacted Furoranju method to double the voting rights of the shares to long-term holding, determine the application to Renault of the law. Nissan also becomes the outset that began to show an attitude that is involved in management, including, it began a conflict of Nissan and Renault and the French government. December 15, with the French government, it was agreed that the French government in the management of Nissan does not intervene, led to the settlement.
Mr. Ghosn about this agreement, "(consultation with the French government) all over. No more doubt or room for discussion there is no" and stated. The future we showed the intention to focus on alliance expansion.
On top of that, it evaluated as "(agreement) to stabilize the Nissan and Renault alliance." "Of course it is whether" such as coming out the question is equipped with pace between if vertical even in '17 from the alliance "shareholders and companies. By agreement, these were able to answer the question," he said.
For the future of the alliance, it said it would "broaden the subject of functional integration in both the global and the local." The idea of expanding the functional integration in the four divisions such as the development and purchasing, which was carried out in '14. It found that with a view to integration, including the indirect departments such as management business.
The alliance effects such as cost reduction had been estimated that the two companies total annual 3.8 billion euros (about 490 billion yen) in '14 stage. Plans to raise this to more than 4.3 billion euros in '16 was also revealed. In addition to streamlining by the integration of the organization, a reduction in purchasing costs due to common, such as parts, it is realized by a more efficient development. To collaborate in the field of automatic operation, such as advanced technology, and plans to mount the automatic operation technology to more than the two companies a total of 10 models in up to 20 years.
'14 Global sales of the Nissan-Renault alliance fourth in about 850 million units. We're aiming to more than 10 million units in '16. The deepening of partnership, to improve the profitability Haisuru the red ginseng, such as Toyota Motor Corporation.
Nissan Renault and the French government has been established in consultation in April 2014 of the French government, shares give the right to vote twice to shareholders with more than two years "Furoranju Law" beginning. As a result, the voting rights of Renault shares held by the French government I became expected to increase to a conventional two-fold near 28 percent. Spread wariness of management interference of the French government through the Renault Nissan, Nissan, such as reject the merger request with Renault by the French government, it was to sharpen the combat posture.
Negotiations spans the approximately 10 months, last year in December, the French government agreed not involved in the management of Nissan. Nissan and "Renault does not intervene in the management of Nissan" between the Renault "when subjected to undue interference in Nissan's management decisions, Nissan has the right to raise the stake in Renault" agreement, such as has been established. If if Nissan is buying Renault shares up more than 25 percent Maze, it is possible to avoid the involvement voting rights of Nissan shares with Renault is disappearing French government through the Renault.
"The Chinese market, even in the 5-6% growth is healthy."
For China CEO Carlos Ghosn is that the economy is slowing down, "it should not be positioned longer and emerging countries. (Auto market) would not be back to double-digit growth" While pointed out that, "at an annual rate of 5-6% will be more than 1 million units per year in growth, it showed the view that enough's healthy. "
Nissan in December 2015 in China new car sales (retail number) is 159 100 units of 15% increase in the same month in the previous year. Sales of '15 the full year, increased in '14 6.3%. Such as aggressive introduction of new car paid off, it has maintained a strong performance, and plans to expand aggressively business as a pillar of revenue in the future.
However, for other emerging markets we showed concern. In particular, he said, "was a large-scale investment in the last few years Brazil, Russia, India market's weak. Still is large open and objective."
While viewing the Brazilian market as "it takes a long time to recover," For the Russian market was pointed out that "pick up early if oil prices rise."
For medium-term management plan, "Power 88" to the March 17 season, the final year, was confident to achieve as the "Towards Achieve operating profit margin of 8%, which is the target is steadily progressing." Uncertainty in such emerging economies is strong, but I said, "large contribution of strong North American market. Continue is expected growth in China."
ルノーと機能統合拡大 カルロス・ゴーン 日産CEOに聞く
日産・ルノーと仏政府の協議 2014年4月に仏政府が制定した、株式を2年以上持つ株主に2倍の議決権を与える「フロランジュ法」が発端。これにより、仏政府が持つルノー株の議決権が従来の2倍近い28%に高まる見通しになった。ルノーを通じた仏政府の経営干渉に対する警戒心が日産に広がり、日産は仏政府によるルノーとの合併要請などをはねつけるなど、対抗姿勢を鮮明にした。
Alliance effect, in the year 550 billion yen, an agreement with the French government "3's consent."
Nissan Carlos Ghosn, chief executive officer (CEO) March 25, according to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun interview, for the last year in December of an agreement with the French government over the relationship between the French Renault, the form that can be convinced "3 person in it said that was settled. "On top of that, and the like may want to consider a new function integration and Renault before the end of the year, it announced a policy to produce an annual 550 billion yen or more of the alliance effect. Also deepen cooperation in advanced technology such as automatic operation, to strengthen the competitiveness of the group.
Renault 43.4% of Nissan shares, Nissan has a 15% of Renault shares. April 2014, the French government is the largest shareholder of Renault is enacted Furoranju method to double the voting rights of the shares to long-term holding, determine the application to Renault of the law. Nissan also becomes the outset that began to show an attitude that is involved in management, including, it began a conflict of Nissan and Renault and the French government. December 15, with the French government, it was agreed that the French government in the management of Nissan does not intervene, led to the settlement.
Mr. Ghosn about this agreement, "(consultation with the French government) all over. No more doubt or room for discussion there is no" and stated. The future we showed the intention to focus on alliance expansion.
On top of that, it evaluated as "(agreement) to stabilize the Nissan and Renault alliance." "Of course it is whether" such as coming out the question is equipped with pace between if vertical even in '17 from the alliance "shareholders and companies. By agreement, these were able to answer the question," he said.
For the future of the alliance, it said it would "broaden the subject of functional integration in both the global and the local." The idea of expanding the functional integration in the four divisions such as the development and purchasing, which was carried out in '14. It found that with a view to integration, including the indirect departments such as management business.
'14 Global sales of the Nissan-Renault alliance fourth in about 850 million units. We're aiming to more than 10 million units in '16. The deepening of partnership, to improve the profitability Haisuru the red ginseng, such as Toyota Motor Corporation.
Nissan Renault and the French government has been established in consultation in April 2014 of the French government, shares give the right to vote twice to shareholders with more than two years "Furoranju Law" beginning. As a result, the voting rights of Renault shares held by the French government I became expected to increase to a conventional two-fold near 28 percent. Spread wariness of management interference of the French government through the Renault Nissan, Nissan, such as reject the merger request with Renault by the French government, it was to sharpen the combat posture.
Negotiations spans the approximately 10 months, last year in December, the French government agreed not involved in the management of Nissan. Nissan and "Renault does not intervene in the management of Nissan" between the Renault "when subjected to undue interference in Nissan's management decisions, Nissan has the right to raise the stake in Renault" agreement, such as has been established. If if Nissan is buying Renault shares up more than 25 percent Maze, it is possible to avoid the involvement voting rights of Nissan shares with Renault is disappearing French government through the Renault.
"The Chinese market, even in the 5-6% growth is healthy."
For China CEO Carlos Ghosn is that the economy is slowing down, "it should not be positioned longer and emerging countries. (Auto market) would not be back to double-digit growth" While pointed out that, "at an annual rate of 5-6% will be more than 1 million units per year in growth, it showed the view that enough's healthy. "
Nissan in December 2015 in China new car sales (retail number) is 159 100 units of 15% increase in the same month in the previous year. Sales of '15 the full year, increased in '14 6.3%. Such as aggressive introduction of new car paid off, it has maintained a strong performance, and plans to expand aggressively business as a pillar of revenue in the future.
However, for other emerging markets we showed concern. In particular, he said, "was a large-scale investment in the last few years Brazil, Russia, India market's weak. Still is large open and objective."
While viewing the Brazilian market as "it takes a long time to recover," For the Russian market was pointed out that "pick up early if oil prices rise."
For medium-term management plan, "Power 88" to the March 17 season, the final year, was confident to achieve as the "Towards Achieve operating profit margin of 8%, which is the target is steadily progressing." Uncertainty in such emerging economies is strong, but I said, "large contribution of strong North American market. Continue is expected growth in China."
2016-01-26 Nikkei225->16,708.90(-402.01) JPX400->12,273.79(-288.73) J-VIX->38.05
Tokyo Stock Exchange closing or three days the first time pullback Shanghai stock prices and oil depreciation burden, buying and selling is a weak bear
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market 26 days is pullback in 3 business days, it finished at ¥ 16,708 90 sen of the day before ratio 402 yen 1 sen (2.35%) weaker. In addition to oil prices, which became the starting point of the world stock prices turned to downward trend again, and spread is edged lower width Chinese stocks, spread selling the purpose of avoiding operational risk. The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange 1759 stocks more than 90% of the drops, it was almost become fared. Trading value was only 2 trillion 112.4 billion yen of the lowest this year.
New York crude oil futures were weak sales to be less than 1 barrel $ 30 milestone in after-hours trading. Enters in the afternoon, the Shanghai Composite Index is the fact that the width down to one step depreciation has reached 3% more than in the Chinese stock market, cautious investors intensified.
Nikkei width of the average of the day was only 200 yen or less. Ahead of the results announcement of become apparent in the second half of the week the US-Japan monetary policy meeting, many investors wait-and-see attitude and try to Mikiwameyo the contents, trading was sluggish. Today was allowed to holding back even movement of tilting the actively have high that it was January settlement worth of the final trading day.
JPX Nikkei 400 index fell back to 3 business days. Closing price was 10 000 2273.79 of the previous day 288.73 points (2.30 percent) depreciation. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) and fell back to 3 business days, it finished at 1360.23 32.40 points (2.33 percent) depreciation.
The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange trading volume was 2.1 billion 57.29 million shares. Rise number of stocks of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 148, unchanged was the 28 stocks.
東証大引け、3日ぶり反落 上海株安・原油安が重荷、売買は低調
2016-01-25 Nikkei225->17,110.91(+152.38) JPX400->12,562.52(+171.50) J-VIX->36.03
Nikkei average Strikes Back
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market of 25 was continued to grow. Closing price and ¥ 17,110 91 sen weekend ratio 152 yen 38 sen (0.90%) Net before, it marked the highest level since the 15th about the first time in a week. Investor sentiment has improved in the price of crude oil worldwide high stock that has received an increase in. Speculation the central bank of Japan and Europe move to additional monetary easing also boosted the market. While before there was also a scene that is pushed to return waiting selling in reaction to became a surge of more than 900 yen to the weekend, easily enter also repurchase of stock index futures, downside was stiff. Values are Fasutori and Softbank, KDDI rose. JT and Kao, was also conspicuous increase of domestic demand-related stocks such as Meiji HD.
Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) is continued to grow, the closing price was the weekend before ratio 18.44 points higher 1392.63. Closing price of JPX Nikkei index 400 was 171.50 points higher 10 000 2562.52.
The Nikkei average was also the scene to turn to down to the morning. 10,000 In 7200 yen of highs easy out well as profit-selling, upside of the stock price has become heavily centered on external demand-related prime stock. In addition to a sense of caution against the crude oil market and China market outlook is strong, and ahead of the earnings announcement of the major companies in the country, was also wait-and-see mood is likely to spread surface.
In the market, "the Federal Open Market Committee in the second half of the week seen as (FOMC) and the Bank of Japan monetary policy decision Bank of Japan and the United States at the meeting is to consider the turmoil of recent market, rate gradually settle likelihood is large" and (domestic securities) It is out view that.
2 trillion 412.4 billion yen trading value in the estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, trading volume is 2.2 billion 91.7 million shares. Rise number of stocks of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is equivalent to the entire 85% of 1643, gainers 229, unchanged was 63.
日経平均ボラティリティー・インデックス VI (Volatility Index)
OSE (Osaka Securities Exchange) listed on the Nikkei average VI (Volatility Index) futures
■ Overview
Nikkei and the average VI futures trading, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. (Nikkei) is calculated and published, is the Nikkei average VI are trading an index to estimate the magnitude of the fluctuations in the future of the Nikkei Stock Average In futures trading of interest and are net settlement by the Nikkei average VI of maturity time.
Nikkei average VI is a number that represents the future one or the size of the monthly fluctuations in the Nikkei Stock Average, which markets expect (volatility), display a percentage as the standard deviation of the stock rate of return is (※ 1). The calculation used the Nikkei 225 option price of Osaka Securities Exchange (※ 2), has been calculated and published in real time by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. The higher the number, now that the expected investors to vary the Nikkei Stock Average of future is large, it means that uncertainty is strong in the future outlook of the market.
(※ 1) Display of a percentage
Nikkei If the average VI is called "20 points", it will that are expected in the future 20% one month volatility in the annual rate, at about 1% and the market when converted to a daily basis. Nikkei If the rate of return on average share price was to follow a normal distribution, it can be said as the probability of the Nikkei Stock Average of 10,000 yen today is in the 9,900 yen - 10,100 yen after one day is considered at about 68 percent and the market You.
(※ 2) Nikkei calculated using the 225 option price
Nikkei future volatility of the average share price is not visible to the eye, but the information I will be considered to have been reflected in the Nikkei 225 options prices. Nikkei average VI is, by using the prices of all of the exercise price of Nikkei 225 options, represents the future of volatility is expected in the overall market.
Nikkei average VI, the Nikkei is characterized by spikes when the average stock price to plummet, there is a tendency to inverse correlation weak Nikkei Stock Average and normal. On the other hand, after the numeric value has skyrocketed, even I have feature of regression to a certain range (about 20-30).
Movement of the past Nikkei Stock Average and the Nikkei average VI (provided by the Osaka Securities Exchange web site)
For more information on the description and the method of calculating the Nikkei average VI, please refer to the Nikkei average profile of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
From the above rule of thumb, it is possible to have bought the average VI futures trading Nikkei, it can be expected to cover the downside risk of holding assets such as shares.
On the other hand, the loss of sales methods of the Nikkei average futures VI in such aspects will be large enough not compare with stock index futures. In addition, the Nikkei since the average VI is to change the numerical value rapidly in a short period of time, trading in an environment that can not get the price information in real time is not recommended. Therefore, when everyone of investor assets and experience is not enough is dealings the Nikkei average VI futures, please avoid the-denominated sales.
It can also be expected to cover the risk of loss by the option price increases based on the implied volatility rise in the Nikkei 225 options short positions.
Osaka Securities Exchange website Nikkei average VI futures trading here past the Nikkei Stock Average and the Nikkei average VI of the movement (provided by the Osaka Securities Exchange web site)
OSE(大阪取引所)上場 日経平均VI(ボラティリティー・インデックス)先物
大阪証券取引所ホームページ 日経平均VI先物取引は こちら過去の日経平均株価と日経平均VIの動き(大阪取引所webサイトより提供)
■ Overview
Nikkei and the average VI futures trading, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. (Nikkei) is calculated and published, is the Nikkei average VI are trading an index to estimate the magnitude of the fluctuations in the future of the Nikkei Stock Average In futures trading of interest and are net settlement by the Nikkei average VI of maturity time.
Nikkei average VI is a number that represents the future one or the size of the monthly fluctuations in the Nikkei Stock Average, which markets expect (volatility), display a percentage as the standard deviation of the stock rate of return is (※ 1). The calculation used the Nikkei 225 option price of Osaka Securities Exchange (※ 2), has been calculated and published in real time by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. The higher the number, now that the expected investors to vary the Nikkei Stock Average of future is large, it means that uncertainty is strong in the future outlook of the market.
(※ 1) Display of a percentage
Nikkei If the average VI is called "20 points", it will that are expected in the future 20% one month volatility in the annual rate, at about 1% and the market when converted to a daily basis. Nikkei If the rate of return on average share price was to follow a normal distribution, it can be said as the probability of the Nikkei Stock Average of 10,000 yen today is in the 9,900 yen - 10,100 yen after one day is considered at about 68 percent and the market You.
(※ 2) Nikkei calculated using the 225 option price
Nikkei future volatility of the average share price is not visible to the eye, but the information I will be considered to have been reflected in the Nikkei 225 options prices. Nikkei average VI is, by using the prices of all of the exercise price of Nikkei 225 options, represents the future of volatility is expected in the overall market.
Nikkei average VI, the Nikkei is characterized by spikes when the average stock price to plummet, there is a tendency to inverse correlation weak Nikkei Stock Average and normal. On the other hand, after the numeric value has skyrocketed, even I have feature of regression to a certain range (about 20-30).
Movement of the past Nikkei Stock Average and the Nikkei average VI (provided by the Osaka Securities Exchange web site)
For more information on the description and the method of calculating the Nikkei average VI, please refer to the Nikkei average profile of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
From the above rule of thumb, it is possible to have bought the average VI futures trading Nikkei, it can be expected to cover the downside risk of holding assets such as shares.
On the other hand, the loss of sales methods of the Nikkei average futures VI in such aspects will be large enough not compare with stock index futures. In addition, the Nikkei since the average VI is to change the numerical value rapidly in a short period of time, trading in an environment that can not get the price information in real time is not recommended. Therefore, when everyone of investor assets and experience is not enough is dealings the Nikkei average VI futures, please avoid the-denominated sales.
It can also be expected to cover the risk of loss by the option price increases based on the implied volatility rise in the Nikkei 225 options short positions.
Osaka Securities Exchange website Nikkei average VI futures trading here past the Nikkei Stock Average and the Nikkei average VI of the movement (provided by the Osaka Securities Exchange web site)
OSE(大阪取引所)上場 日経平均VI(ボラティリティー・インデックス)先物
大阪証券取引所ホームページ 日経平均VI先物取引は こちら過去の日経平均株価と日経平均VIの動き(大阪取引所webサイトより提供)
2016-01-22 Nikkei225->16,958.53(+941.27) JPX400->12,391.02(+658.20) J-VIX->41.14
Let's enjoy the Tokyo Stock :)
Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, significant rebound 941 yen high, almost the entire height
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market 22 days can significantly rebound three days the first time, finished with ¥ 16,958 53 sen of the day before ratio 941 yen 27 sen (5.88%) Net. Increase range since last year September 9, was about four and a half months the first time of the magnitude. Strengthened expectations of the Japanese and European monetary authorities go ahead to further easing, investor sentiment improved. And involving also buying for the purpose of having height adjustment that was before the weekend, it took a spur to rise.
Draghi President of the European Central Bank (ECB) has stated that "to re-evaluate the policy by the Board of March" at a press conference after the Council of 21st. It worked associative with the go ahead to further easing in the near future. It took a halt in crude oil discount that has been chilled investor sentiment also contributes, spread the movement to take the operational risk in the Tokyo market.
Only deployment collapse over the closing had been noticeable recently spread the sense of security to buy that is less sell order and well into the afternoon session. The entrainment also repurchase of such of foreigners that had piled up selling has high and spread rapidly to increase range toward the end of dealings.
JPX Nikkei index 400 was significantly rebound three days the first time. Closing price was 10 000 2391.02 of the previous day 658.20 points higher at. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also significantly rebound three days the first time, it finished in 1374.19 of 72.70 points high.
Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 2 trillion 819.4 billion yen in rough figures, trading volume was 2.6 billion 4.31 million shares. Rise number of stocks of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 1920, it was almost the entire height. Drops remains in the 8 stocks, data is the fewest in since February 3, that can be acquired in the 1997 QUICK terminal. Unchanged was 7 stocks.
東証大引け、大幅反発 941円高、ほぼ全面高
2016-01-21 Nikkei225->16,017.26(-398.93) JPX400->11,732.82(-332.50) J-VIX->42.78
Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, to sell to update financial stocks around the last year lows in every day
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market of 21 days continued to fall significantly. It finished at ¥ 16,017 26 sen and lows of the day before ratio 398 yen 93 sen (2.43%) weaker. Update the last year lows in every day, since October 30, 2014, it was with a about one year and three-month lows. While ultra-low interest rates continues, the poor of financial institutions revenue environment is anaerobic, down the whole market spread selling in financial stocks center. Afternoon of individual investors loss preparedness selling increases, became fared.
Nikkei down width of the beginning of the year has exceeded 3,000 yen. It received a dose of crude oil weaker and the yen, morning session there was a scene to rise to ¥ 16,600 stand.
However, that individual investors were forced to posting of additional margin in credit transactions and entering the afternoon session (hey certificate) is turned up for sale.
Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda was preoccupied with similar to the conventional explanation for the quantitative and qualitative monetary easing in the House of Councillors closing Committee of 21, the's expectations for additional monetary easing subside even a shadow on investor sentiment that drop was.
JPX Nikkei index 400 also continued to fall. Closing price was 10 000 1732.82 of the previous day 332.50 points (2.76 percent) depreciation. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to fall, I finished in 1301.49 of depreciation 37.48 points (2.80 percent).
Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was 3 trillion 84.6 billion yen this year and the second sheer approximate. Trading volume was 3.1 billion 85.94 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 96% of the total and 1860. Rose 60, unchanged was the 15 stocks.
Why the Japanese stock market drops in crude oil weaker?
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wiki オイルショック より 1861年~2007年の原油価格。100年近く続いた安値が1970年代に破られたことがわかる。 |
Fourth Middle East War broke out on October 6, 1973. On October 16 In response to this, the six countries of the Persian Gulf of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) member oil-producing countries, has announced that it will raise 70 percent to 5.12 dollars a crude oil posted price from one barrel 3.01 dollars. The next day October 17 Arab Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), was determined step-by-step reduction of crude oil production (the oil strategy). The Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) countries since October 20, Israel was determined by a series of economic sanctions against Israel support countries (such as the United States and the Netherlands) (oil embargo) to withdraw from the occupied territories. More December 23, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to members of the Persian Gulf oil-producing 6 countries, raise the price of crude oil since January 1974 from 5.12 dollars to $ 11.65, and was determined.
もともと、オイルは3ドル前後で推移している、日本は100% 輸入に頼っているのだから、原油安は、製造業にはプラスに働く。現在 WTI原油安を理由に、株価が下がっているのは間違った動きとわかる。
Originally, the oil has remained at $ 3 before and after, Japan since he relies on 100% of imports, crude oil weaker, acting on the plus in the manufacturing industry. Because of the WTI crude oil weaker now, I understand the wrong move the stock price is down.
2016-01-20 Nikkei225->16,416.19(-632.18) JPX400->12,065.32(-458.75) J-VIX->38.22
Big chance to Join Tokyo Stock Exchange market
Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, significantly setback one year and three-month lows, the largest decrease this year in the world economy concerns
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market on the 20th was fell back significantly. Closing price was ¥ 16,416 19 sen of the day before ratio 632 yen 18 sen (3.71%) weaker. Since last year to update the lows, the Bank of Japan has put its lowest since October 31, 2014, approximately one year the first time in three months decided to additional monetary easing. Lower width this year a maximum of magnitude. Not stop the decline of crude oil prices, caution has intensified the adverse effects of the global economy, including the developed countries. Spread movement to avoid operational risk is more, the 1886 brand, which corresponds to 97% of the entire First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and became fared deployment to fall. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) and fell back, the day before ratio 51.44 points depreciation of 1338.97 and October 31, 14 fell to lows since. Closing price of JPX Nikkei index 400 was the day before ratio 458.75 points cheap 10 000 2065.32.
Nikkei average width beyond the temporary 650 yen down, fell in the second half of ¥ 16,300 stand. WTI fell to 1 barrel $ 27 stand in after-hours trading of (West Texas Intermediate) crude oil is Japan time of 20 days and investment funds of oil-producing countries has intensified concern that withdraw from the stock market. Out selling bearded crude oil weaker from overseas hedge funds, there was a view that the lowering was accelerated.
This place addition to that one after another announcement of weak economic indicators in the United States, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has revised downward the world economic outlook the day before. In concern to the fundamentals (economic fundamentals) worsening, it was intensified vigilance to be dropped to near-term ¥ 16,000 before and after. Other hand, the market was also heard the voice of the "at a level that incorporates up to profits of Japanese companies level of feet, strong actual corporate performance viewed from sold too much sense" (major securities).
TSE 2 trillion 672.5 billion yen trading value of one part are approximate, and turnovers 2.5 billion 66.22 million shares. Rise number of stocks of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 40, unchanged was 9.
東証大引け、大幅反落 1年3カ月ぶり安値、世界景気懸念で今年最大の下げ
2016-01-19 Nikkei225->17,048.37(+92.80) JPX400->12,524.07(+25.40) J-VIX->32.95
Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, favorable impression the first time in the 4th rebound Shanghai high stock
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market 19 days 4 to rebound in business days the first time, finished trading at ¥ 17 048 37 sen of the day before ratio 92 yen 80 sen (0.55%) high. Market of interest is high Shanghai, China stock market rises, investor sentiment improved. And urged the movement to take the operational risk, momentum buying has increased over the closing.
Shanghai Composite Index, which became the starting point of the world downturn in stocks exceeded temporarily 3000 milestone, investors cautious is retracted. Yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market has also become a support material that touched weaker yen-dollar until the second half of yen $ 1 = 117 base. Sell to the scene, but also had to be pressed, the Nikkei average was rounded up Jiwarito level from mid afternoon session.
The market is growing expectations for additional monetary easing by the Bank of Japan, such as. "Worldwide stock market in followed by a China anxiety is growing to rely on underpin the effect of monetary easing money pictorial, is a possibility that the US and European day you open the meeting on or after the 21st is go ahead in the relaxation direction of policy decisions." was heard also pointed out that (Mizuho Research Institute of Hasegawa Katsuyuki market research director).
Reaction to the gross domestic product of China in October-December 2015 period, which was announced in the morning (GDP) was limited. Generally result and will along the market expected, but increased the momentum of temporarily buy, over time, as the Kaiagaru material to actively spread is received with the shortage.
JPX Nikkei index 400 restitution to four business days. Closing price was 10 000 2524.07 of the previous day 25.40 points (0.20 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) is 4 to rebound in business days the first time, I have finished in 2.48 points (0.18%) and high of 1390.41.
Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 2 trillion 193.2 billion yen in rough figures. Trading volume was 2.1 billion 73.18 million shares. Rise number of stocks of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 861, it accounted for the entire 40% greater. Drops to 948, unchanged was the 126 stocks.
東証大引け、4日ぶり反発 上海株高を好感
2016-01-18 Nikkei225->16,955.57(-191.54) JPX400->12,498.67(-127.19) J-VIX->37.03
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market 18 days continued to fall three days, we have finished in the previous weekend ratio 191 yen 54 sen (1.12%) depreciation of ¥ 16,955 57 sen. 17,000 since last September 29 the first time in about three months and a half to interrupt the yen closing price basis. Investor sentiment is worsening in the previous weekend of Western stock prices and crude oil weaker. The yen is also anaerobic, bulging sell order from the transaction start. Such as the decline is more than 80% of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, it spreads selling a wide range of issues at the center of the leading shares.
In addition to the US economic uncertainty in the economic indicators lower than expected emerged, when the New York crude oil futures will fall to 1 barrel $ 28 stand in after-hours trading, investor sentiment is further cooled, to strengthen the movement to let go of the stock of risk assets It was. Nikkei average of lowering width is approaching to 500 yen, less than a temporary since last year lows (¥ 16,795).
However, Japanese stocks and strengthened the view that sold enough to fundamentals and divergence (economic fundamentals) (nautical miles) in the market, percussion buying began to enter the leading shares. Yen trend is a pause for now, the market sometimes China Shanghai stock market of interest has been relatively strong, bearish attitude of investors'm somewhat eased. Rate and shorten the edged lower width, was also Sageshiburu scene to ¥ 17,000 stand of milestone.
JPX Nikkei index 400 was continued to fall three days. Closing price was 10 000 2498.67 before weekend ratio 127.19 points (1.01 percent) depreciation. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to fall three days and I have finished in 1387.93 of depreciation 14.52 points (1.04 percent).
Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 2 trillion 243 billion yen in rough figures. Trading volume was 2.2 billion 30 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 1618, it rose to 258, unchanged was 59.
Taiwan America advocate forces expand, Chinesea dvocate defeat
Taiwan, first alone a majority even if the Democratic Progressive Party in the Legislative Yuan election
Taiwan's Legislative Yuan (parliament, constant 113) is Tokaihyo election 16 days maximum opposition Democratic Progressive Party has breakthrough. Earn big stretch 68 seats the number of seats from the re-election the previous 40, exceeding for the first time a majority (57 seats). Even under Congress run by the Tsai Ing-wen of the command that was victory in the same day of the presidential election I dominate. On the other hand, new political parties, such as "era competence (the era of force)" also increased its presence in the background of the support of young people.
According to the Central Election Commission and political parties announcement of the Democratic Progressive Party got 19 seats in the 49 seats in the small constituency (a total of 73 seats), proportional District (total of 34) and separate frame of indigenous District (total of six). In addition to the southern part of the support base, also in the north, such as Taipei City Ground of the KMT was stretched out vote.
Democratic Progressive Party can not be obtained the seats in the majority of the Legislative Yuan to Chen 扁政 rights era was the ruling party 2000-08 years and there is a history that has struggled in the parliamentary minority as the ruling party. Majority acquisition was a long-cherished wish of since the founding of 1986. The ruling KMT to reduce such as dissatisfaction with the economic policy background the number of seats from the re-election the previous 64 to 35, suffered the same defeat as the presidential election.
"To advance the company of Osaka capital in the Philippines" Osaka and Sumitomo Corporation jointly plan
海外市場に活路を見出そうというのは、国内企業の多くが考えることだ。しかし、中小企業が進出するとなると手続きの煩雑さなどが障害になってくる。そこにヘルプの手を出したのが、住友商事だ。同社が出資するフィリピンの工業団地First Philippine Industrial Park(バタンガス州サント・トマス市、以下「ファーストフィリピン工業団地」)と大阪府との間で、府内企業のフィリピンにおける事業展開を支援し、大阪府とフィリピンの経済交流促進を図ることを目的に、ファーストフィリピン工業団地へ新規入居する府内中小企業に特化したサポートを導入する内容の協定を締結することで合意した。
"To advance the company of Osaka capital in the Philippines" Osaka and Sumitomo Corporation jointly plan
Osaka Matsui governor, the only O started New Year's work from January 12, visited the Philippines, signed a memorandum of understanding to support the Philippines advance of Osaka of SMEs with the government. It emphasized the active support to go posture companies seeking overseas markets, place the staff in charge of Osaka Philippine government a memorandum of understanding, was included and to support business start-up.
Philippines, in addition to economic growth, that official language is English, small and medium-sized enterprises is also attracting attention as overseas bases and the like that labor costs are low compared to neighboring countries. Matsui governor in the conference before departure "when the Osaka of companies to expand into more and more young country are increasing population. Will now further huge market. Local industrial park, want to ask that get to lower costs even a little." I was talking with.
It's that trying to find a way out to the overseas market is that think many domestic companies. However, such as the complexity of the procedure small and medium-sized enterprises is when you advance comes an obstacle. There has had dabbled of help, but Sumitomo Corporation. Philippine Industrial Park First Philippine Industrial Park (Batangas Santo Tomas City, hereinafter referred to as "First Philippine Industrial Park") that the company invested in between the Osaka Prefecture, and to support business development in the Philippines of Funai companies, and Osaka to aim to achieve economic exchange promotion in the Philippines, it was agreed to conclude the agreement of the contents of introducing the support that specializes in Funai small and medium-sized enterprises to new tenants to First Philippine Industrial Park.
comprehensive support by local governments and the industrial park is partnership, that's first efforts in the Philippines. Concrete support, Sumitomo Corporation In the "is considering the support or the like in the subject to various incentives and estates advance procedure small and medium-sized enterprises in Osaka Prefecture, etc., but it is yet to be determined," you are talking to.
海外市場に活路を見出そうというのは、国内企業の多くが考えることだ。しかし、中小企業が進出するとなると手続きの煩雑さなどが障害になってくる。そこにヘルプの手を出したのが、住友商事だ。同社が出資するフィリピンの工業団地First Philippine Industrial Park(バタンガス州サント・トマス市、以下「ファーストフィリピン工業団地」)と大阪府との間で、府内企業のフィリピンにおける事業展開を支援し、大阪府とフィリピンの経済交流促進を図ることを目的に、ファーストフィリピン工業団地へ新規入居する府内中小企業に特化したサポートを導入する内容の協定を締結することで合意した。
"To advance the company of Osaka capital in the Philippines" Osaka and Sumitomo Corporation jointly plan
Osaka Matsui governor, the only O started New Year's work from January 12, visited the Philippines, signed a memorandum of understanding to support the Philippines advance of Osaka of SMEs with the government. It emphasized the active support to go posture companies seeking overseas markets, place the staff in charge of Osaka Philippine government a memorandum of understanding, was included and to support business start-up.
Philippines, in addition to economic growth, that official language is English, small and medium-sized enterprises is also attracting attention as overseas bases and the like that labor costs are low compared to neighboring countries. Matsui governor in the conference before departure "when the Osaka of companies to expand into more and more young country are increasing population. Will now further huge market. Local industrial park, want to ask that get to lower costs even a little." I was talking with.
It's that trying to find a way out to the overseas market is that think many domestic companies. However, such as the complexity of the procedure small and medium-sized enterprises is when you advance comes an obstacle. There has had dabbled of help, but Sumitomo Corporation. Philippine Industrial Park First Philippine Industrial Park (Batangas Santo Tomas City, hereinafter referred to as "First Philippine Industrial Park") that the company invested in between the Osaka Prefecture, and to support business development in the Philippines of Funai companies, and Osaka to aim to achieve economic exchange promotion in the Philippines, it was agreed to conclude the agreement of the contents of introducing the support that specializes in Funai small and medium-sized enterprises to new tenants to First Philippine Industrial Park.
comprehensive support by local governments and the industrial park is partnership, that's first efforts in the Philippines. Concrete support, Sumitomo Corporation In the "is considering the support or the like in the subject to various incentives and estates advance procedure small and medium-sized enterprises in Osaka Prefecture, etc., but it is yet to be determined," you are talking to.
引用 財経新聞
Taiwan win (`・ω・´) Defend Taiwan democracy :)
DPP Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan's first eight years regime change woman president
Presidential election in Taiwan is Tokaihyo 16th, opposition, Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party chief (59), but defeated the ruling party, Zhu standing Lun Chief (54) et al. 2 candidate of the Chinese Kuomintang, won. The first time the birth of female president in history. Inauguration is done on May 20, since 1996 that the transition to the presidential election is a direct voting system, the third time of the regime change is realized.
O'clock the same day afternoon 7 Mr. Zhu of the Kuomintang (Japan time 8:00), and appeared in front of supporters, "Ladies and gentlemen, sorry. KMT is defeated," admitted the defeat, expressed resignation of party chairman.
The birth of the Democratic Progressive Party administration, Chen 扁政 Rights (2000-08 years) since 8 years second time. In the presidential election, Ma Ying-jeou administration's National Party is the policy of appeasement with China proceeded over two terms became the focus. 蔡氏 complained of "status quo" of Taiwan, pulled away throughout the Mr. Zhu listed the continuation of horse administration route
The same day that were made legislative committee (equivalent to the parliamentarians, constant 113) in elections, DPP buildup the 40 seats in the Gen'yu's momentum glanced majority. In addition, students who rebound in services trade agreement with China in '14 spring was derived from the "sunflower student movement," which occupied the Legislative Yuan "era competence (the era of force)" is also expected to win its first seats.
Incumbent President Ma, was elected in 2008 to the tailwind the criticism of the worsening internal affairs and confusion of China-Taiwan relations in the Chen administration. However, it increases the pair medium dependence of Taiwan economy under horse administration, between the voters intensified anxiety with Taiwan is swallowed in China. We visited a number of Chinese tourists in Taiwan, consciousness to think about themselves as "Taiwanese different from the Chinese" were also spread around the young people. Criticism of the distribution of wealth is a bias disparity has spread to the wealthy also joined, I was advantageous to expand the campaign strong independent-minded Democratic Progressive Party has bought a 14 impetus of the end of the unified local elections victory.
Xi Jinping Jintao of China last year in November, implement President Ma and China-Taiwan summit's first after the division of 1949. On the other hand, "one China" does not recognize the "1992 consensus", which is to be confirmed between the principles China and Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party and the dialogue has been rejected. 蔡氏 is aware of the middle layer of the majority to be concerned about the deterioration of China-Taiwan relations, did not clarify the attitude of the '92 agreement.
台湾8年ぶり政権交代 女性初の総統に民進党の蔡英文氏 国民党・朱立倫氏が党主席辞任表明
Presidential election in Taiwan is Tokaihyo 16th, opposition, Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party chief (59), but defeated the ruling party, Zhu standing Lun Chief (54) et al. 2 candidate of the Chinese Kuomintang, won. The first time the birth of female president in history. Inauguration is done on May 20, since 1996 that the transition to the presidential election is a direct voting system, the third time of the regime change is realized.
O'clock the same day afternoon 7 Mr. Zhu of the Kuomintang (Japan time 8:00), and appeared in front of supporters, "Ladies and gentlemen, sorry. KMT is defeated," admitted the defeat, expressed resignation of party chairman.
The birth of the Democratic Progressive Party administration, Chen 扁政 Rights (2000-08 years) since 8 years second time. In the presidential election, Ma Ying-jeou administration's National Party is the policy of appeasement with China proceeded over two terms became the focus. 蔡氏 complained of "status quo" of Taiwan, pulled away throughout the Mr. Zhu listed the continuation of horse administration route
The same day that were made legislative committee (equivalent to the parliamentarians, constant 113) in elections, DPP buildup the 40 seats in the Gen'yu's momentum glanced majority. In addition, students who rebound in services trade agreement with China in '14 spring was derived from the "sunflower student movement," which occupied the Legislative Yuan "era competence (the era of force)" is also expected to win its first seats.
Incumbent President Ma, was elected in 2008 to the tailwind the criticism of the worsening internal affairs and confusion of China-Taiwan relations in the Chen administration. However, it increases the pair medium dependence of Taiwan economy under horse administration, between the voters intensified anxiety with Taiwan is swallowed in China. We visited a number of Chinese tourists in Taiwan, consciousness to think about themselves as "Taiwanese different from the Chinese" were also spread around the young people. Criticism of the distribution of wealth is a bias disparity has spread to the wealthy also joined, I was advantageous to expand the campaign strong independent-minded Democratic Progressive Party has bought a 14 impetus of the end of the unified local elections victory.
Xi Jinping Jintao of China last year in November, implement President Ma and China-Taiwan summit's first after the division of 1949. On the other hand, "one China" does not recognize the "1992 consensus", which is to be confirmed between the principles China and Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party and the dialogue has been rejected. 蔡氏 is aware of the middle layer of the majority to be concerned about the deterioration of China-Taiwan relations, did not clarify the attitude of the '92 agreement.
台湾8年ぶり政権交代 女性初の総統に民進党の蔡英文氏 国民党・朱立倫氏が党主席辞任表明
2016-01-15 Nikkei225->17,147.11(-93.84) JPX400->12,625.86(-36.98) J-VIX->33.05
Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, continued to fall China stock prices and the yen burden, and Naho also in crude oil price alert
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market on the 15th was continued to fall. It finished at ¥ 17,147 11 sen of the day before ratio 93 yen 84 sen (0.54%) weaker. Since September 29, 2015, I was wearing about three months and a half lows. Interest of market participants is high Chinese stocks weak sales and investor sentiment in Tokyo stock market has deteriorated. The yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market was down on the market out selling the advanced export related to the appreciation of the yen direction from noon too.
Wariness of China has become the burden of the market. Changes below the lows Shanghai Composite Index of major index since last year in Shanghai, China stock market. The morning in the good news, such as the day before the US high stock preceded by buying, although the Nikkei average was also the scene to raise up to 350 yen the previous day ratio, selling in the afternoon became dominant. Crude oil futures in New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) was lowered in after-hours trading. Falling crude oil futures market was the trend recovery until the day before again, became the burden of the market out selling in resource-related. Amid China stocks and oil prices continue to weak movement, it was pushed to sell reduce the high has at the weekend.
The Nikkei 550 yen 85 sen in the week, was down 3.11%. Was elevated in 9 business days from the beginning of the year is only 13, decline in the last two weeks was 1886 yen (9.9%).
JPX Nikkei index 400 also continued to fall. Closing price was 10 000 2625.86 of the previous day 36.98 points (0.29 percent) depreciation. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to fall, I finished in 1402.45 of depreciation 4.10 points (0.29 percent).
Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was 2 trillion 490.5 billion yen in rough figures. Trading volume was 2.4 billion 48.75 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 58% of the total and 1115. Rise is 723, unchanged was the 97 stocks.
東証大引け、続落 中国株安や円高重荷、原油価格にもなお警戒
2016-01-14 Nikkei225->17,240.95(-474.68) JPX400->12,662.84(-323.92) J-VIX->31.76
The Nikkei 474 yen depreciation and significantly pullback, reducing the width down from the temporary 770 yen than of decline = the 14th afternoon session
Nikkei Stock Average 14 days, greatly to fall back and ¥ 17,240 95 sen of the day before ratio 474 yen 68 sen depreciation, traded the afternoon session. The morning, selling in response to the US stock prices is leading. Dollar-yen exchange rate is I was anaerobic and appreciation of the yen, etc. against the dollar put a $ 1 = 117 yen 30 sen stand. It sold up to ¥ 16 944 41 sen temporary 771 yen 22 sen depreciation, as during trading hours, since September 29, 15, also was seen scene to put the ¥ 16,000 level for the first time about four months. After that, China, the Shanghai Composite Index is sometimes turned positive, I have to reduce the lowering width. In volume of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange 2.6 billion 10 000 shares, trading value 2 trillion 856.2 billion yen. Losers number of stocks rose 104 stocks, drops 1795 stocks, was 36 stocks unchanged.
In the market, "the Nikkei average temporary, that it fell below ¥ 17,000 psychological Fushi eyes, once is likely out of a feeling of missing evil. Although the near-term basis rebound is expected, sentiment is deteriorated There is also that you are, the return was heard the voice of the likely stay in a limiting "(medium-sized securities).
2016-01-13 Nikkei225->17,715.63(+496.67) JPX400->12,986.76(+362.18) J-VIX->27.94
The Tokyo Stock Exchange before the close, psychology improved significantly rebound Western high stock and RMB calm
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market the 13th morning and rebounded for the first time in 7 business days, finished the morning session at ¥ 17,682 33 sen of the day before ratio 463 yen 37 sen (2.69%) high. 12th Western stock market rises, investor sentiment improved. I went to buy to expect short-term return. 13 When daily basis value of higher renminbi interest of the market is set to a level higher than the closing price the day before, the movement is accelerated to take the operational risk from the view that such a halt to the rapid depreciation of the yuan, the spur to rise It took. JPX Nikkei index 400 and the Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebounded for the first time in seven business days.
Nikkei average day 6 continued to fall until the day before, it was devalued 10% near level. Called "spread movement was expected near-term return, has entered (institutions from investors) buy order is reasonable" (covered Mr. Masato of Tokai Tokyo Securities). In a recent decline, pledged obligation of additional margin to the many individuals who had put the buying on margin (hey certificate) occurs. To round the movement to organize high have the day before, selling pressure is also greater the surface the increase rate decreases.
1 trillion 213.7 billion yen in trading value estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange before the close time, trading volume was 1.1 billion 720,000 shares. Rise number of stocks of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 1840, it accounted for 95 percent of the total. Drops 71, unchanged was the 22 stocks.
Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, and moderate risk aversion 7 days at the first time in repelling Western stock appreciation and depreciation of the yen
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market 13 days and rebounded for the first time in 7 business days, finished at ¥ 17,715 63 sen of the day before ratio 496 yen 67 sen (2.88%) high. Rising for the first time after entering 2016. It eased posture to avoid operational risk in the wake of a 12-day Western high stock. Also that it has remained on the weak yen-dollar in recession and foreign exchange market of fear of China strengthened the momentum of increase.
If China is to announce a reference value of the yuan, levitation view with such a halt to the yuan depreciation of the keynote. Foreign exchange market coupled also be yen exchange rate fell to ¥ 118 = US $ 1 stand in, investor sentiment has expanded bullish inclined to increase range.
China is Japan time around noon announced that in December 2015 of the trade statistics, exports fell below the previous year in six consecutive months, did not depress as market expectations. Yamato Moji Soichiro Economic Research Department of the SB Investments pointed out that "market concerns over China's real economy had gone too far." And that was to contribute to boost the market.
JPX Nikkei index 400 rebound for the first time in seven business days. Closing price was 10 000 2986.76 of the previous day 362.18 points (2.87 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebounded for the first time in 7 business days, it finished at 1442.09 of 40.14 points (2.86 percent) high.
Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 2 trillion 496.1 billion yen in rough figures. Trading volume was 2.1 billion 39.09 million shares. Rise number of stocks of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 1833, it accounted for about 95 percent of the total. Drops 77, unchanged was the 25 stocks.
東証前引け、大幅反発 欧米株高と人民元落ち着きで心理改善
東証大引け、7日ぶり反発 欧米株高や円安でリスク回避和らぐ
引用 日本経済新聞
2016-01-12 Nikkei225->17,218.96(-479.00) JPX400->12,624.58(-405.19) J-VIX->31.97
Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, selling significantly the 6th continued to fall risk avoidance
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market on the 12th was continued to fall significantly 6th. Closing price and ¥ 17,218 96 sen before weekend ratio 479 yen (2.71%) depreciation, sank to lows since September 29, 2015. Investors cautious over the China-yuan depreciation and Shanghai strains strongly, spread selling. Deployment of fared 97 per cent of the TSE First Section is lower. It intensified selling from concerns about the Chinese economy to a resource-related stocks.
That the lowering of the US crude oil futures has accelerated in after-hours trading it also undermines the investor sentiment. Yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market is the yen against the dollar proceeds until the first half of yen $ 1 = 117 boards, investors was followed by a move to avoid operational risk. Nikkei average's has continued to fall Six days the beginning of the year is the first time in September 1950 after the average of the calculated Nikkei began. Since six days continued to fall for the most recent in August 15 that shook the Chinese renminbi devaluation shock 18 to 25 days, it was the first time in four and a half months.
JPX Nikkei index 400 also continued to fall six days I have finished at 10 000 2624.58 before weekend ratio 405.19 points weaker. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also fall continuously 6th. It closed at 1401.95 of the same 45.37 points weaker. Industry TOPIX in mining and petroleum coal products, tight lowering of the shipping industry.
Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is a 2 trillion 973.1 billion yen in rough figures, it was approaching the 3 trillion yen of Odai. Turnovers 2.6 billion 35.16 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange 1890, rose to 33, little since last year August 24 is. Unchanged was 12.
2016-01-08 Nikkei225->17,697.96(-69.38) JPX400->13,029.77(-92.19) J-VIX->28.35
Tokyo Stock Exchange closing or five days continued to fall three months lows, and sell closing out before holidays
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market eight days was continued to fall five days. Closing price and ¥ 17,697 96 sen of the day before ratio 69 yen 38 sen (0.39%) depreciation, gave its lowest since September 30, the first time in about three months, 2015. Fall continuously five days from the beginning of the year, for the first time since the start of the calculation in September 1950. Japan time ahead of the announcement of US employment statistics of the last year in December in the evening, the momentum of selling closing out has intensified over the closing. Such as after the morning depreciation the rebound and stronger yuan of Chinese stocks to clue there is a ¥ 200 ultra rise to the scene, it was a rough deployment.
Fujiwara Naoki operation manager of Shinkin Asset Management is pointed out that "investors are looking at the still cautious outlook". Takes brakes on the decline in China's stock market, investor sentiment has improved slightly. But also temporarily went repurchase is in Japanese stocks that had built up short selling, "it is also there the afternoon to enter the holiday closing out sale has become predominant," that (same).
Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) is continued to fall 5 days I have finished in the previous day 10.62 points (0.73%) depreciation of 1447.32. JPX Nikkei index 400 also fall continuously five days. 92.19 point it closed at (0.70%) discount of 10 000 3029.77.
Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 3 trillion 201.7 billion yen in rough figures. In transactions involving the special liquidation index (SQ) calculation of stock index options January thing, since last December 18, and swelled the level for the first time in three weeks. Trading volume was 2.5 billion 91.24 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is equivalent to the whole of the 75% 1466. Gainers 377, unchanged was the 92 stocks.
東証大引け、5日続落 3カ月ぶり安値、連休前に手じまい売り
2016-01-07 Nikkei225->17,767.34(-423.98) JPX400->13,121.96(-290.19) J-VIX->27.88
Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, risk aversion in the 4th continued to fall to three-month lows China concern
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market of 7 days was fall continuously 4th. Closing price was ¥ 17,767 34 sen of the day before ratio 423 yen 98 sen (2.33%) weaker. 10,000 to interrupt the 8000 yen mark for the, finishing at a low price of approximately the first time in three months since last October 2. Renminbi depreciation of the other, trading is stopped China's stock market has become significantly weaker, but chilly is investor sentiment. Movement to avoid operational risk continues, I spread further the Nikkei average was reduced width in afternoon session.
Nikkei since 1995 21 years of average to fall continuously 4 days beginning of the year. 7 days set to Moto-yasu level since the People's Bank of China (the central bank) is March 18, 11-to-dollar reference value of the yuan in the morning, a sense of vigilance against the outflow of funds from China has increased more. Investors move to avoid the risk is accelerated in between the movement to sell the dollar in the foreign exchange market to buy a circle that is "safe currency" is in progress. China's Shanghai and received both Exchange market plunge of Shenzhen, spurred the buying and selling of all shares also psychological deterioration that it has stopped all day in about 30 minutes from the start of trading.
Continue to burden also that one after another bad news from the beginning of the year, such as tense and North Korea by the nuclear test in the Middle East. Nikkei average was lowered to expand the width more in the afternoon, was also view that "by multiplying the sentiment worsening are increasingly momentum of speculators sell".
JPX Nikkei index 400 was fall continuously 4th. Closing price was 10 000 3121.96 of the previous day 290.19 points (2.16 percent) depreciation. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to fall four days I have finished at 1457.94 of depreciation 30.90 points (2.08 percent). In all 33 industries in another TOPIX industries, it was down 32 industries except for the electricity and gas industries. Among them, mining and steel, tight lowered, such as the shipping industry.
Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is a 2 trillion 833.8 billion yen in rough figures, the highest level since last December 18. Trading volume was 2.3 billion 74.86 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange the whole of 80 percent 1647, rose to 239, unchanged was 49.
東証大引け、4日続落し3カ月ぶり安値 中国懸念でリスク回避
2016-01-06 Nikkei225->18,191.32(-182.68) JPX400->13,412.15(-135.04) J-VIX->24.71
Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, continued to fall North Korea "hydrogen bomb test", the beginning of the year the 3rd continued to fall the first time in '21
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market six days continued to fall three days and I have finished in the ¥ 18,191 32 sen of the day before ratio 182 yen 68 sen (0.99%) weaker. 3 was dropped in the business day continuously from the beginning of the year is since down for the fourth consecutive business days from the 1995 first session of the year, the first time in '21. It fell 842 yen 39 sen a total of from 4-day first session of the year. In addition to uncertainty about the future and the yen against the dollar the progress of China economy, North Korea announced that it had conducted a hydrogen bomb test. Investor sentiment has cooled, selling for the purpose of avoidance of operational risk has become dominant.
In response to "H-bomb test" of North Korea, Japanese and US governments have requested the convening of an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council. Levitation is view of the tension in East Asia is growing. GLOBEX fell the S & P500 kind stock index futures in the (Chicago futures trading system), was also spread the anxiety surface.
Transmitted with the US Apple to cut production of the main products, down the stock index also be related stocks fell. The Nikkei average adoption stocks, TDK and Kyocera, are lowered, such as the Alps stood out. However, there was also pointed out that "lowering of raising observations came out Murata made such as some brands of the dividend payout ratio is also likely to remain in a temporary" (Shimizu Mitsuzuyu equity strategist at Japan Asia Securities).
JPX Nikkei index 400 December 3 continued to fall. Closing price was 10 000 3412.15 of the previous day 135.04 points (1.00 percent) depreciation. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to fall three days and I have finished in 1488.84 of depreciation 15.87 points (1.05 percent).
Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 2 trillion 430.7 billion yen in rough figures, trading volume was 2 billion 76.18 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 1493, it accounted for about 77% of the total. Rise is 359, unchanged was the 83 stocks.
2016-01-05 Nikkei225->18,374.00(-76.98) JPX400->13,547.19(-50.05) J-VIX->23.33
Tokyo Stock Exchange seesawing domestic demand shares in the previous day near the closing price is bought, export shares be sold.
Nikkei stock average in Tokyo stock market five days was continued to fall. It finished at ¥ 18,374 00 sen of the day before ratio 76 yen 98 sen (0.42%) weaker. Is also not solved is wary of the one-step depreciation of the Chinese stock market in the movement that lacks a sense of direction plunged the day before Chinese stocks is five days, attitude forego buying to a risk asset share is growing. In also burden heightened geopolitical risk in the Middle East, was followed by selling around the main brand.
Although China Shanghai stock index of five days there was a scene that turn positive in the day before ratio, mood you want to assess the policy, such as the stock market policy by the Chinese authorities also strongly, it was a movement that lacks a sense of direction. Is not completely dispel the future concern of the Chinese stock market, it was chilled investor sentiment.
Saudi Arabia 3 today announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Iran. The four days Bahrain and Sudan also expressed the severance of diplomatic relations with Iran, such as the impact on the crude oil market is vigilance, also became a burden to Japanese stocks.
Most lowering width was also limited. In the scene where China stocks rose, buying more and more in Japanese stocks, the Nikkei average was up nearly one o'clock 100 yen. Nikkei I was underpinned also surfaced market view that there is an affordability for sign also was out of "oversold" sharply lower the day before.
JPX Nikkei index 400 also continued to fall. Closing price was 10 000 3547.19 of the previous day 50.05 points (0.37 percent) depreciation. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to fall, I finished in 1504.71 of depreciation 4.96 points (0.33 percent).
Trading value of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was 2 trillion 201.3 billion yen in rough figures. Trading volume was 1.9 billion 23.64 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 52% of the total and 1009. Rise is 796, unchanged was the 130 stocks.
東証 前日終値付近で一進一退 内需株は買われ、輸出株は売られる。
投稿 (Atom)