
基礎統計の更なる充実について 第16回経済財政諮問会議


(問題点) 高齢者の消費動向が色濃く反映された 結果が出ているのではないか。
To determine the trend of private final consumption expenditure, which accounts for 60% of Family Income and Expenditure Survey -GDP
(Problems) or not than a result of consumption trends of the elderly has been clearly reflected is out.

The number of samples (number of households)
-20代 172
30代 1,023
40代 1,735
50代 1,829
60代- 5,241

(Reference) demographic / census
-20代 13.2%
30代 17.4%
40代 16.1%
50代 15.6%
60代- 37.7%

(Reference) household composition / census
-20代 3.7%
30代 14.9%
40代 17.8%
50代 19.1%
60代- 44.5%

 (問題点)事業所サンプルの入替え時に「非連続 な動き(数値のギャップ)」が生じているの ではないか。
Show the wage trend of employers - Monthly Labor Statistics
(Problem) "(gap numeric) non-continuous movement" at the time of replacement of office sample or not than has occurred.

2015年1月 サンプル入替え January 2015 sample replacement

Consumer price index - deflator of consumer spending and wages

Despite the expansion of (problems) Internet shopping market, for most of the goods, including consumer electronics or not than the net selling price has not been taken into account.

(問題点)近年需要が増加しているリフォーム・リ ノベーションの把握に一層努めるべきで はないか。
Foundation of private housing investment of construction starts statistical survey (private housing part) -GDP
(Problems) in recent years or demand should not strive more to understand the Reform Li innovation has increased.


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