

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, psychological deterioration in three days the first time in pullback Shanghai stock prices, weaker yen dose burden

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market 29 days fell back three days the first time. Closing price was 16,026 yen 76 sen before weekend ratio of 161 yen 65 sen (1.00%) depreciation. Afternoon session buying received a weaker yen-dollar until mid was dominant, but investors and a weaker yen to lull has strengthened the mood ahead of the buyer. Lower Asian stock market such as China and Shanghai is generally, investor sentiment has deteriorated.

In the 20 countries and regions (G20) finance ministers and central bank governors meeting, attitude to mobilize stable towards policy of financial markets it has been shown. Half the expectations of the economic measures is launched has increased Jiwari, in the present circumstances was smoldering also view that can not be optimistic about the future lacking in concrete measures. As the market "lacks generally clue material end is G20" (Ide Shingo chief equity strategist at NLI Research Institute), it was also pointed out that the growing wait-and-see mood of investors.

Morning begins high, the Nikkei average of the gains had a scene where more than a temporary 250 yen. Progress in En'yasu-dollar before the wake of the US real gross domestic product (GDP) revised in 2015 October-December quarter of the announcement weekend. Buying mainly export-related stocks from the expectation that export profitability of companies to improve had spread. However, the weak yen is smoke him to Shanghai, China stocks devalue the big level, strengthened the movement that investors avoid operational risk.

JPX Nikkei index 400 was fell back on the 3rd the first time. Closing price was 10,000 1755.65 before weekend ratio of 128.17 points weaker. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also fell back to three days after, the closing price fell below the 1297.85 of 13.42 points weaker, the 1300 milestone.

Tokyo Stock Exchange 2 trillion 594.4 billion yen buying and selling price of one part are approximate, trading volume is 2.4 billion 92.81 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 1294, it rose 545, unchanged was 102.

[Market] Mothers index rebound, again inflows in the decline of the G20 passing and leading large-cap / Mothers market

Today's Mothers market was preceded by buying him to firmer start of the Nikkei average. Although the previous weekend there was a movement of closing out ahead of the 20 countries and regions (G20) Result of finance ministers and central bank governors meeting, these funds were also re-flow through the G20. Nikkei average reduced the Mothers index also gains Turning to the afternoon session minus, buying individual investors among the major large-cap stocks is weak is directed to small and medium-type strain, it was relatively steady. In addition, Mothers index rebound, trading value is 95.902 billion yen at a rough estimate. Losers number, rose 123 stocks, drops 79 stocks, became the 12 stocks unchanged.

東証大引け、3日ぶり反落 上海株安で心理悪化、円安一服も重荷










Tokyo Stock Exchange Nikkei 225 closing, the firmer US stock appreciation and depreciation of the yen favorable impression, G20 is to burden

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market 26 days continued to grow, finishing at 16,188 yen 41 sen compared with the day before 48 yen 07 sen (0.30%) Net. It rises and the US stock market price of 25, interest in the market is also picking up high New York crude oil futures market. That the yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market swings in a temporary $ 1 = 113 yen table and the depreciation of the yen-dollar direction is also bullish tilt the investor sentiment, buying has become dominant.

It plunged the Shanghai stock market also rise the previous day. There while takes brakes on global stock prices trend, accelerating again take the motion operational risk in the Tokyo market. Nikkei average because it has less than about 15% of the level of the end of last year said that was picked up in the feet, percussion buying was easy to enter.

However, the upside was also heavy. Amid concerns that capital flows out of the emerging markets such as China becomes stronger, 20 countries and regions (G20) finance ministers and central bank governors meeting will be held from the 26th Shanghai, China. Strengthened mood of want Determine if the effectiveness of certain measures are put forward, along with the passage of time, sluggish over the closing.

JPX Nikkei index 400 also continued to grow. Closing price was 10,000 1,883.82 the previous day ratio of 41.94 points (0.35 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to grow, finishing at 1311.27 of 3.73 points (0.29%) Net.

2 trillion 111.7 billion yen buying and selling price in the estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, trading volume was 2.1 billion 63.12 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 1002, it accounted for 52 percent of the total. Drops 830, unchanged was the 109 stocks.

東証 日経225 大引け、続伸 米株高や円安を好感、G20は重荷に









Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, the Nikkei 225, psychological improvement, Sharp decline in three days the first time in repelling US stock sales and weaker yen

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market 25 days rebounded three days the first time. Closing price was 16,140 yen 34 sen compared with the day before 224 yen 55 sen (1.41%) Net. Entered buying that good feeling the lowering dose and US stock sales in the crude oil price. Once in the afternoon swing yen exchange rate is in a weaker yen-dollar direction in the foreign exchange market, the movement that investors take the operational risk has been further strengthened.

US oil inventories is greatly reduced than the market expected, excessive caution is retreat to the supply and demand relaxation. Oil prices will rebound, was directing the US stock high of the previous day. It led to the improvement of investor sentiment in the Tokyo market.

Atmosphere of the morning upside Zhongshu but it was poor, including strength and enter in the afternoon. Weaker yen progression trigger more buying of the stock index futures in the, spread to actual stock. Pointed out that "at the center of the part of foreign investors stock index futures, they may have to close the sales have sell" (Makoto Sengoku market analyst at Tokai Tokyo Research Center) was out.

JPX Nikkei index 400 rebounded three days the first time. Closing price was 10,000 1841.88 of the previous day 216.50 points (1.86 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebounded three days the first time and finished at 1307.54 of 23.01 points (1.79 percent) high.

2 trillion 388.5 billion yen buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange are approximate, trading volume is 2.3 billion 98,600,000 shares. The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange's rise number of securities 1680, which corresponds to a little less than 90% of the total, drops 209, unchanged was 48.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers (closing) = Mothers index continued to grow, such as the data section stop high

東証大引け、日経225は、3日ぶり反発 米株高・円安で心理改善、シャープが下落










Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, spread cautious attitude in the Nikkei 225 crude oil prices and Asian stock prices
Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers (closing) = Mothers index rebound, Ceres, such as a stop high

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of the 24th and continued to fall, finishing at 15,915 yen 79 sen compared with the day before 136 yen 26 sen (0.85%) depreciation. Slowdown of the world economy and crude oil weaker in the background is spread, it was growing movement to avoid the operational risk of the investor. Also weak sales in the New York crude oil futures after-hours trading, Asian stocks enhanced the buyer also refrain mood that lowered overall. Automobile and electrical machinery, especially in the major stocks such as trading companies, 1041 stocks that hit the majority of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange has fallen.

Unstable supply and demand relationship has spread selling was concerned about the adverse effect of the subsequent crude oil. "Crude depreciation is cautious to the investors through the resource stock prices overseas, the original of consuming countries in Japan positive effect of that raw material discount to corporate performance has become difficult to reflect in the stock market" (Mizuho Securities Nagata Hiro strategist) called. Nikkei average there was a lower 300 yen close to the morning scene, but then remained to shorten the lower width, price movements of the momentum is lacking.

JPX Nikkei index 400 continued to fall. Closing price was 10,000 1,625.38 the previous day ratio of 68.40 points (0.58 percent) lower. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to fall, finishing at 1284.53 of 6.64 points (0.51 percent) lower.

2 trillion 232.3 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading volume was 2.2 billion 5.3 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 767, unchanged it was the 133 stocks.

東証大引け、日経225 原油安・アジア株安で慎重姿勢広がる








Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, selling in futures trading on the pullback yen, lowering such as Honda and Hitachi

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market 23 days fell back. Closing price was 16,052 yen 05 sen of the previous day 59 yen (0.37%) depreciation. It received that the yen exchange rate has risen against the dollar, the euro, worsening profitability of exporting companies is anaerobic, sell order became dominant. In the scene where the depreciation taken to stock index futures, lowering width exceeds 100 yen. Morning, but buying that good feeling the rise of crude oil futures market has pushed up the index, out selling of return waiting, with reduced upside. Honda and Hitachi weak the corner of leading shares such as Mitsubishi UFJ. Lowering of real estate stocks and food stock was also noticeable.

JPX Nikkei index 400 fell back, to close at the day before ratio 78.73 points lower 10,000 1,693.78. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also fell back, closing price was the day before ratio 8.83 points lower 1,291.17.

In morning trading, it seems that was not able to maintain the mid-16,300 yen stand that has been a milestone leads to the deterioration of market sentiment, led to selling and see peddle return waiting.

Morning begins with high, temporary gains has reached close to 240 yen. In addition to the good feeling of the US stock high of the day before buying it entered the center of the leading shares, sense of caution to the world economy is retracted in the crude oil price rise. In addition to went buying seen and pension funds morning, 20 countries and regions (G20) policy expectations ahead of the finance ministers and central bank governors meeting was also surface which supported the downside to 26 to 27.

2 trillion 292.5 billion yen buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange are approximate, trading volume is 2.3 billion 22.18 million shares. Tokyo Stock Exchange 1 gainers of parts of 1415, which corresponds to about 73% of the total, the number of Gainers is 442, unchanged was 84.

東証大引け、反落 円高で先物取引に売り、ホンダや日立など下げる









Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, repulsive repurchase dominates upside heavy trading value this year the lowest

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market 22 days to rebound, finishing at 16,111 yen 05 sen before weekend ratio of 143 yen 88 sen (0.90%) Net. But was pushed forward after approaching in Europe and the United States stock prices and crude oil depreciation of the weekend sale, after the round of selling was turned up. Strong bargain-hunting motivation is at a level of 16,000 yen cracking of the milestone, it swelled and sales methods repurchase of. That the Shanghai stock market has remained firm also became the market of support.

In the scene where lull was seen in the yen, spread the gains so as to match the pace. Sky luck and food, the increase in drug stocks pushed up the entire market, the Nikkei average of gains was more than a temporary 200 yen.

However, to further follow the upside lacking in material to invite buying, it was also easy to sell out to determine the short-term profit. Concerns about the uncertainty of oil prices and the world economy has not been dispelled, attitude to tilt the high have in one direction is limited. Deployment jostle with highs was followed in the afternoon trading. Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was more than barely 2 trillion yen and 2 trillion 58.1 billion yen at a rough estimate, but it was the lowest level this year.

JPX Nikkei index 400 was repelled. Closing price was 10,000 1772.51 before weekend ratio 83.97 points (0.72%) Net. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebounded, finishing at 1300.00 of 8.18 points (0.63 percent) high.

The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange trading volume was 2,000,000,000 37,480,000 shares at a rough estimate. Tokyo Stock Exchange rose number of securities of one part is equivalent to 65% of the total 1256, drops 588, unchanged was 96.

東証大引け、反発 買い戻し優勢も上値重く 売買代金は今年最低









The Nikkei Stock Average fell back significantly and 15,967 yen 17 sen compared with the day before 229 yen 63 sen depreciation on the 19th afternoon session. 16,000 yen cracking the first time in two days at the closing price. Afternoon session is after that began by reducing the width down, softened along with the yen exchange rate is including again strong, to the 13:15, 15,799 yen 35 sen (the day before ratio 397 yen 45 SenYasu that becomes a low of the day ) there was a scene that put the. After the round of selling is 10,000 across the mid-5800 yen scuffle of lasted for a while, as the yen exchange rate is sluggish to $ 1 = 113 yen table first half, intermittently buying enters the stock index futures, to end by reducing the width down towards.

The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange trading volume is 2.2 billion 91.46 million shares, buying and selling price is 2 trillion 277.5 billion yen. Losers number of stocks rose 380 stocks, drops 1471 stocks, 88 stocks unchanged.






Tokyo Stock Exchange closing Repelling 360 yen
Good feeling the rise of crude oil and US stock
Gather to buy the stock of the trading company

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market on the 18th rebounded, finishing at 16,196 yen 80 sen in the previous day 360 yen 44 sen ratio (2.28%) Net. And good feeling the rise of the US stock and high crude oil prices on the 17th, to buy a wide range of stocks has become dominant. Gains exceeded a temporary 500 yen. JPX Nikkei index 400 was repelled. Closing price was 10,000 1850.64 of the previous day 264.01 points (2.28 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebounded, finishing at 1311.20 of 28.80 points (2.25 percent) high.

17th average New York the Dow Jones Industrial has continued to grow for the first time on the 3rd of this year. It eased extreme risk aversion mood in Tokyo market by underlying strength in US stocks came into sight. The return waiting sell even out in the upside, but somewhat sluggish toward the end of trading.

2 trillion 701.2 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading volume was 2.6 billion 28,200,000 shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 89 percent of the total and 1725. Drops 171, unchanged was 42.






2016-02-17 Nikkei225->15,836.36(-1.36%) JPX400->11,586.63(-1.15%) J-VIX->40.16

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of the 17th fell back three days the first time and finished at 15,836 yen 36 sen compared with the day before 218 yen 07 sen (1.36%) depreciation. And the activation futures selling of foreign investors against the backdrop of the yen and the geopolitical risk, also sell to the actual strain has spread. Sell ​​to large-cap stocks of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is the constituent stocks of the Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) was noticeable.

Although the Nikkei average was significantly elevated in two business days since the beginning of this week, extent return of the stock price had a view that not progressing the improvement of investor sentiment. China and reports that it has deployed a ground-to-air missiles in the South China Sea, sentiment that sensitive when bad news comes out has not changed, that was also increased selling of individual investors since the beginning of the afternoon. Nikkei down the width of the average was also the scene of more than a temporary 400 yen.

In morning trading, it was followed by a poor development of the sense of direction. Half that contains the buying focusing on the firmness of the downside, came out the back waiting to sell at the upside. Although the Cabinet Office machinery orders and from January to March of outlook in December 2015 announced showed an overall strong numerical value, is weakness in some industries, it was heard also a sense of caution about the future.

JPX Nikkei index 400 fell back to three days after. Closing price was 10,000 1586.63 of the previous day 135.18 points (1.15%) depreciation. TOPIX also fell back three days the first time, to close at 1282.40 of 14.61 points (1.13 percent) lower.

3 trillion 113.6 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading volume was 2.8 billion 40.08 million shares. Tokyo Stock Exchange 1 gainers of parts of 1087 that corresponds to the whole of the 56%, rise is 729, unchanged was 120.








2016-02-16 Nikkei225->16,054.43(+0.20%) JPX400->11,721.81(+0.40%) J-VIX->38.85

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market 16 days continued to grow, finishing at 16,054 yen 43 sen compared with the day before 31 yen 85 sen (0.20%) Net. Yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market has swung to a weaker yen-dollar direction compared to the $ 1 = 114 yen table and the day before, I went buying was expected and improved profitability of export companies. It rises and financial stocks such as banks against the background of anxiety retreat to the world financial system, has spread to buy peace of mind. When buying a round toward the end of the transaction, it was rapidly reduced the gains.

Gains after the afternoon indu exceeded a temporary 300 yen. Shanghai Co., Ltd. in China, where the economic slowdown is a concern has become clue buy that rebounded. That New York crude oil futures has recovered a barrel $ 30 stand in about the first time in a week in after-hours trading was also invited repurchase weaken the movement to avoid the operational risk that has spread to the previous week. Transmitted in the Open relationship ministerial meeting in Qatar to Saudi Arabia and Russia on the 16th, a major oil-producing countries, expectations of whether not to move forward towards the production cuts agreement emerged.

JPX Nikkei index 400 is firmer. Closing price was 10,000 1,721.81 the previous day ratio of 46.46 points (0.40%) High. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to grow, finishing at 1297.01 of 4.78 points (0.37 percent) high.

2 trillion 884.8 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading volume was 3.1 billion 58.64 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 965, it accounted for about half of the total. Drops is 873, unchanged it was 99 stocks.







2016-02-15 Nikkei225->16,022.58(+7.16%) JPX400->11,675.35(+8.30%) J-VIX->40.82

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market on the 15th rallied for the first time in four business days. Before finishing at 16,022 yen 58 sen weekend ratio 1,069 yen 97 sen (7.16%) Net. Gains in China concern in the market price volatility was last September 9th (1,343 yen height) since the size. 3 recovered 16,000 yen in business days the first time. Global credit anxiety time being softened to financial institutions, financial stocks rose significantly. Before repurchase was favorable impression the yen dose of the US stock prices and foreign exchange market of the weekend was also pushed up the market.

The Nikkei average has fallen 1,866 yen last week, it is down from the beginning of the year had reached 4,000 more than ¥. The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange of PER (price-earnings ratio) was also spread view that the growing feeling around fallen to 13 times table value. Foreign exchange market in the yen exchange rate has dropped to $ 1 = 114 yen stand against the US dollar, profit deterioration concern of export stocks became even support material of it faded away.

Gross domestic product in 2015 October-December quarter was announced in the morning (GDP) preliminary was the year-on-year annual rate of 1.4%, down. In almost the same level as the 1.3% decline in market expectations, a direction in which material vision was limited.

JPX Nikkei index 400 rebounded to 4 business days the first time. Closing price was 10,000 1675.35 before weekend ratio 894.95 points (8.30%) Net. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebounded to 4 business days the first time and finished at 1292.23 of 95.95 points (8.02 percent) high.

Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was 3 trillion 153.6 billion yen at a rough estimate. Trading volume is 3.2 billion 80.18 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 97% of the total and 1874. Drops 55, unchanged was 8 brand.








2016-02-12 Nikkei225->14,952.61(-4.84%) JPX400->10,780.40(-5.57%) J-VIX->49.84

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, the yen continued to fall sound 15,000 yen cracking, one year and four-month

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market on the 12th was continued to fall three days. Closing price and 14,952 yen 61 sen of 760 yen 78 sen (4.84%) weaker than 10 days closing price since October 21, 2014, it gave the approximately one year and four-month low. Also of less than 15,000 yen, the psychological milestone the first time since the same day. Yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market of the 11th surged to $ 1 = 110 yen table temporarily. Coupled with chilled investor sentiment and global stock prices, bulging selling a wide range of stocks.

 To close at 14,952 yen Nikkei Stock Average (12 pm, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
Expansion of the image
To close at 14,952 yen Nikkei Stock Average (12 pm, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
Subject to congressional testimony 10 days of Ieren Federal Reserve Board (FRB), was growing view that the US interest rate hike pace will be moderate. Appreciation of the yen against the dollar has accelerated from association with the interest rate difference between Japan and the United States does not spread. Export profitability of Japanese companies led to the view that worse.

There was a Sageshiburu scene over the afternoon session the middle. And talks Haruhiko Kuroda President and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of the Bank of Japan, emerged speculation of an additional policy is hammered out. However, when the President Kuroda described as "(from the prime minister) requests for monetary policy was not especially" after the talks, the momentum of the selling has increased Jiwarito again.

JPX Nikkei index 400 continued to fall three days finished at 10,000 0,780.40 10-day closing price ratio 636.16 points weaker. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to fall three days finished at 1196.28 of 68.68 points weaker.

4 trillion 183.3 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In buying and selling due to the special liquidation index (SQ) calculation, such as stock index options Feb. product, it swelled to a high level since January 29th. Trading volume is 4.7 billion 4.16 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 1877, was closing in on the entire 97%. Rise is 53, unchanged was 7 stocks.

東証大引け、続落 円高響き1万5000円割れ、1年4カ月ぶり








2016-02-10 Nikkei225->15,713.39(-372.05) JPX400->11,416.56(-354.97) J-VIX->44.15

Super bargain sale :)
Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, one year at a much continued to fall 16,000 yen cracking 3-month lows

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market 10 days is significantly continued to fall, finishing at 15,713 yen 39 sen compared with the day before 372 yen 05 sen (2.31%) depreciation. And since last year updated its lowest in about three weeks the first time by interrupting the milestone of 16,000 yen, since Oct. 30, 2014, gave the approximately one year and three-month low. Against the background of the future concern of the world economy, investors have strengthened the movement to sell risk assets. Appreciation of the yen against the dollar proceeds even become a burden, spread selling a wide range of stocks. More than 90% of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange fell.

While buying the morning was preceded, upside was intensified selling pressure gradually heavier. Among the risk off (shunned risk assets) attitude spread, the buyer absence of stock swelled selling. Major silver lines were led to be investor sentiment worse it has become one step weaker. Investors who had seen 16,000 yen milestone with downside support line many, 10,000 futures selling order to limit the loss from the sales methods of the put option by less than 6,000 yen added. In the cash-share market, lead to dumping of stock holdings in the generation of follow Certificate (pledged obligation of additional collateral), it spurred the market decline.

The market was also heard the voice of a "hedge fund has sold at a loss definite purpose." Tomorrow is there a holiday, there was also investor to reduce the high buy and hold. Entered the afternoon session followed by also selling dominant, lowering the width of the Nikkei average was more than a temporary 650 yen.

JPX Nikkei index 400 was significantly continued to fall. Closing price was 10,000 1416.56 of the previous day 354.97 points (3.02 percent) lower. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to fall significantly, finished at 1264.96 of 39.37 points (3.02 percent) lower.

3 trillion 536.8 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading volume was 3.8 billion 49.03 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 1780, it rose 131, unchanged was 26.

東証大引け、大幅続落 1万6000円割れで1年3カ月ぶり安値








2016-02-09 Nikkei225->16,141.31(-862.99) JPX400->11,771.53(-686.58) J-VIX->42.47

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, significant falls in reaction yen anaerobic, minus interest rates and the European anxiety financial stocks rout

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of the 9th significantly fell back, finishing at 16,085 yen 44 sen compared with the day before 918 yen 86 sen (5.40%) depreciation. Rate of decline since 6.35 percent depreciation recorded on June 13, 2013, was approximately two years and eight-month size. Yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market swing in the yen against the dollar level of $ 1 = 114 base, spread selling was concerned about corporate earnings and lead to the erosion of the yen-denominated revenue of deterioration and overseas business of export profitability. Long-term interest rates dropped to minus level temporarily quickened the lower leg of bank stocks leading to margin deterioration of lending.

In the market, "there was a movement to put the bargain-hunting in the domestic institutional investors, small buy orders from foreign investors, have become cautious to slightly sell over. Buying a deduction," said (domestic securities trader) there was a voice.

In the European market bank stocks is plunged 8 days, increase the buyer refrain mood of sensitive to became foreigners to credit risk. There are indications that concern the interest payments solvency margin of the bonds associated with the capital expansion for the Deutsche Bank, the bank was growing concern of but denied market participants.

JPX Nikkei index 400 pullback. Closing price was 10,000 1771.53 of the previous day 686.58 points (5.51 percent) lower. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also fell back, finishing at 1304.33 of 76.08 points (5.51 percent) lower. There was a scene below the lows since last year in both indices.

3 trillion 55.6 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading volume was 3.1 billion 73.35 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 1904, become the most 1997 since February, which traced back the data in the QUICK terminal, which accounted for about 98% of the total. Rise is 27, unchanged was 6 stocks.

東証大引け、大幅反落 円高嫌気、マイナス金利や欧州不安で金融株総崩れ








2016-02-08 Nikkei225->17,004.30(+184.71) JPX400->12,458.11(+99.25) J-VIX->32.76

The Nikkei average 184 yen and five days after significant rebound, recovering 17,000 yen gains expanding a circle a little less than includes

The Nikkei Stock Average of eight days afternoon session was largely rebound to 17,004 yen 30 sen and the first time in five business days before the weekend ratio of 184 yen 71 sen higher. 17,000 yen recovery is the first time in two business days since the four days at the closing price. It received the flow upside has become heavier in the Nikkei average futures to the time zone of the lunch break, the afternoon approaching, but began with selling preceding, after the round had emerged in positive territory again. In the wake of it has entered the shopping that was settled in the stock index futures along with the transition includes a circle a little less against the dollar, become a flow of gains expansion, in the 14:30, 17,099 yen 01 sen to be a high value of this day there was a scene that put the (before weekend ratio 279 yen 42 sen net). After that sluggish, but it kept 17,000 yen becomes a psychological Fushi eyes.

The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange volume of 2.7 billion 38.03 million shares, buying and selling price is 2 trillion 599.1 billion yen. Losers stocks number rose 1464 stocks, drops 407 stocks, 65 stocks unchanged.

From the market but the movement was linked to the "exchange, but decline in the previous week largely's difficult impression that sell by lowering .EPS (Nikkei average basis) is a concern, closing the end mainstay far from the most part, is expected (strong ) construction, that goes to the domestic sector, seen as a stop down, the voice of the neighborhood and also or may not have been aware of "(semi-major securities) was heard.

By industry, Obayashi <1802>, rising construction lines such as Kashima <1812>.








2016-02-05 Nikkei225->16,819.59(-225.40) JPX400->12,358.86(-173.74) J-VIX->36.87

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, before "negative interest" in appreciation of the yen continued to fall burden, financial cheap

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of five days and continued to fall 4 days end with a 16,819 yen 59 sen compared with the day before 225 yen 40 sen (1.32%) depreciation. Bank of Japan has dropped to level since January 26th before deciding the introduction of negative interest rates, was canceling the relaxation effect. Yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market swing in the yen against the dollar direction, was growing concern that export profitability of the company is deteriorated. Long-term interest rates to update the record low, financial stocks fell from the perspective of the operational environment to deteriorate. It became the burden of the market.

Yen exchange rate rose to the mid $ 1 = 116 base, regression to the level before the "negative interest rates". Newly issued 10-year government bond yield, which is an indicator of long-term interest rates was reduced temporarily to 0.025% in the bond market. 3 Mitsubishi UFJ and Mizuho FG of large financial groups, update the lows since last year aligned Mitsui Sumitomo FG. It became a factor to cool the investor sentiment.

JPX Nikkei index 400 also continued to fall four days closing price was 10,000 2358.86 of the previous day 173.74 points (1.39 percent) lower. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to fall four days ended at 1368.97 of 19.84 points (1.43 percent) lower.

2 trillion 894.6 billion yen buying and selling price in the estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, trading volume was 3.3 billion 89.65 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 1515, accounted for nearly 80% of the total. Rise is 359, unchanged was 62 stocks.

Toyota and Fuji Heavy Industries is the decline in export shares. Toshiba, which lowered its earnings outlook is significantly weaker, the Nikkei was down also Fasutori high impact value is of the average. On the other hand, JT and Terumo rise. Sharp the top of Taiwan's Hon Hai (Honhai) Precision Industry showed a willingness to management support was raised accompanied by trade. The current fiscal year was remarkable also rise outlook Sumitomo announced the with a final surplus.

東証大引け、続落 円高重荷で「マイナス金利」前に、金融が安い








2016-02-04 Nikkei225->17,044.99(-146.26) JPX400->12,532.60(-156.65) J-VIX->33.67

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing or three days losing streak yen burden, the buyer declined in performance concerns

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of the four days and continued to fall three days finished at 17,044 yen 99 sen compared with the day before 146 yen 26 sen (0.85%) depreciation. Appreciation of the yen against the dollar proceeds in the foreign exchange market, spread selling concerned about the future of the business performance in the center of the export-related stocks. Rise of Asian high stock and crude oil futures market has underpinned the stock price.

Dollar sold from the recovery slowing concern of the US economy, progress in the yen against the dollar to the level of before the Bank of Japan will decide the introduction of negative interest rates. Selling was wary of increasing downward pressure on corporate earnings came out. "Future concerns of performance for weak yen trend is not established is not wiped, investors are increasingly wait-and-see attitude" (Masahiro Ichikawa senior strategist at Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management)

A clue to speak over the monetary easing of Haruhiko Kuroda Bank of Japan Governor who attended the House of Representatives Budget Committee, Nikkei average was also a scene that starts to rise in the previous day, the momentum did not last.

JPX Nikkei index 400 January 3 continued to fall. Closing price was 10,000 2532.60 of the previous day 156.65 points (1.23%) depreciation. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to fall three days finished at 1388.81 of 17.46 points (1.24 percent) lower.

2 trillion 858.7 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading volume was 3.1 billion 28.41 million shares. The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange Losers number 1541, which corresponds to 80% of the total of, appreciation is 322, unchanged was 72.

東証大引け、3日続落 円高が重荷、業績懸念で買い手控え 







Japan closed market? Policy decisions of reconstruction in sharp Taiwan Honhai under the umbrella

Policy decisions of reconstruction in sharp Taiwan Honhai under the umbrella

Has fallen into financial trouble, "Sharp" is, but had decided to aim a reconstruction based on the proposal of the public-private fund "industrial innovation mechanism" to make the country and the private sector, Taiwan's leading electronics manufacturers "Honhai Precision Industries" is , to further top up the support amount of money come here from that proposed the acquisition of far exceeding the amount of the aid amount of the "mechanism", by the Board of directors 4 days given the priority negotiation rights to "Honhai", Taiwan's capital we decided a policy which aims to rebuild under the umbrella.
Sharp has fallen into financial trouble is, from "Incj" and Taiwan's "Honhai Precision Industries" of public and private funds, in response to the proposals for each reconstruction, has been such as consultation with major banks under the surface.
Sharp is until last week, the liquid crystal technology to reflect the country's intention not to spill the country, was a policy to promote the reconstruction on the basis of a proposal to carry out the investment from the "mechanism" 3,000 billion yen.
However, is that "Honhai" side is top up significantly support amount in the final phase, it proposed to invest a scale funds of more than 700 billion yen. As a result, Sharp gives priority negotiation rights to Honhai over on a scale of the amount of aid by the Board of Directors of four days, we decided the policy which aims to rebuild under the umbrella of Taiwan capital.
Honhai the end of last month, Guo table of top management inscription president himself described the restructuring measures for Sharp's management, had stressed that such protect employment. Sharp response to this description, is taking advantage of the strong relationship with the United States of Apple is a rich financial power and the major customer of Honhai, seen as the possibility of reconstruction is determined to be more enhanced.

シャープ 台湾・ホンハイ傘下で再建の方針決定




2016-02-03 Nikkei225->17,191.25(-559.43) JPX400->12,689.25(-427.92) J-VIX->32.97

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, 17,500 yen crack at a much continued to fall psychological deterioration, also concern performance burden

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of the three days was continued to fall significantly. Closing price was 17,191 yen 25 sen compared with the day before 559 yen 43 sen (3.15%) depreciation. Below the 17,500 yen of the milestone to four business days the first time since January 28th. Crude oil futures market price falls below the per barrel $ 30 milestone, investor sentiment is worsening. Also becomes a burden that the yen exchange rate has risen to the mid $ 1 = 119 base, it was fared deployment that about 90% of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is lower.

 To close at 17,191 yen Nikkei Stock Average (3 days afternoon, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
Expansion of the image
To close at 17,191 yen Nikkei Stock Average (3 days afternoon, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)
JPX Nikkei index 400 continued to fall, closing price was the previous day 427.92 points lower 10,000 2,689.25. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to fall, it was the day before ratio 45.77 points lower 1,406.27.
Among the movement to operate risk aversion spread worldwide, foreigners and individual investors move to profit-taking, down the market. The Nikkei average fell to cheaper 17,080 yen about 670 yen temporarily in the morning. Goods of the morning in China in January new non-manufacturing purchasing managers' business index (PMI) is significantly improved from the previous month. Although the Bank of Japan Haruhiko Kuroda President over the noon has announced its intention to carry out further reductions as required for negative interest rates towards the achievement of the inflation target, both the reaction of the market was limited.

Succession of April-December 2015 fiscal year ending in the year ended March 31, 2004 outlook downward revision of major domestic companies, was also a plane lowered became downward pressure of the index of individual stocks. To reflect the downward revision Nikkei lowering EPS likened average to one of the brand (earnings per share) is. The Nikkei average of expected PER (price-earnings ratio) is increased to 15 times the table, there has been pointed out that the poor undervalued "hard to put a new buy" (domestic securities).

3 trillion 139.6 billion yen buying and selling price in the estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, trading volume is 3.1 billion 3.82 million shares. The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange gainers hits 89.6% of the total 1735, the number of Gainers 164, unchanged was 36.

東証大引け、大幅続落 心理悪化で1万7500円割れ、業績懸念も重荷







2016-02-02 Nikkei225->17,750.68(-114.55) JPX400->13,117.17(-102.32) J-VIX->27.69

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market two days fell back three days the first time. Closing price was 17,750 yen 68 sen compared with the day before 114 yen 55 sen (0.64%) depreciation. Lower crude oil futures market, investor sentiment was somewhat worse. Nikkei since the average has been significantly rounded up the level until the day before, was pressed to sell to determine the short-term profit.

Yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market is the yen against the dollar will continue to the $ 1 = 120 yen middle, was retreated view that export profitability of companies to further improvement. Also it became the burden of export-related stocks.

However, the motion to explore the downside was limited steady expansion. Containing the bargain-hunting in the lower price from the perspective of the easing policy followed by the central banks of the world. The Nikkei average of intraday price range (the difference between the highs and lows) became and about 180 yen, and the narrowness of the first time in about a month since the final session of the year 30 December, 2015.

JPX Nikkei index 400 fell back on the 3rd the first time, was 10,000 3117.17 of 102.32 points weaker. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also fell back three days the first time, to close at 1,452.04 the previous day ratio 10.63 points weaker.

2 trillion 946.4 billion yen buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange are approximate, trading volume is 2.7 billion 71.48 million shares. The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange of gainers is more than the entire 60% of 1246, rose 606, unchanged was 83.








2016-02-01 Nikkei225->17,865.23(+346.93) JPX400->13,219.49(+302.06) J-VIX->28.93

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, continued to grow weaker yen a favorable impression, China anxiety recession

The Nikkei Stock Average continued to grow in the Tokyo stock market of the day, finished at 17,865 yen 23 sen before weekend ratio of 346 yen 93 sen (1.98%) Net. Bank of Japan is against the background of the negative interest rate policy that was decided before the weekend, spread expectations of the investment funds to risk assets such as stocks and it has become to the weak yen trend is headed. Anxiety retreat to the Chinese economy also became a tailwind.

China's January manufacturing purchasing managers' index of business announcement morning (PMI) was received favorably. Although the Chinese government has announced PMI has dropped from the previous month, PMI the goods Xin of the Chinese media has announced improvements for the first time in two months. Significant deterioration in business confidence of China can not be seen, China's growth slowdown is retracted.

JPX Nikkei index 400 is firmer. Closing price was 10,000 3219.49 before weekend ratio 302.06 points (2.34%) Net. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) has continued to grow, finishing at 1462.67 of 30.60 points (2.14 percent) high.

3 trillion 851.9 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading volume was 3.5 billion 2.48 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 1617, it accounted for the entire 80% greater than. Drops 286, unchanged was 31 stocks.

東証大引け、続伸 円安を好感、中国不安は後退




