

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, support such as 5 days stretch in succession of the weak yen trend, firm is leading shares
Emerging Stock 31 days, JASDAQ has continued to grow rising Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index is 3 days.

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 31 days continued to grow 5 days, the closing price was 17,234 yen 98 sen compared with the day before 166 yen 96 sen (0.98%) Net. Since April 27, gave the approximately 1-month highs. 5 day stretch in succession will be the first this year in the since up to 24 days from November 17, 2015. In addition to the weak yen trend was the support, the industrial production index in April announced the morning (preliminary) is increased, contrary to market expectations, investor sentiment is inclined bullish. Leading shares such as Toyota was strong.

Morning is pushed to profit-taking, the average stood a small cheap scene Nikkei. When selling round and yen exchange rate is sluggish until the yen = US $ 1, 111, is gradually also buying more Nikkei average in Japanese stocks began to increase.

Industrial production index in April that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced before trading started (2010 = 100, seasonally adjusted) Reported results were higher than 97.0. And the previous month to 0.3 percent. Contrary to market expectations (1.5% reduction) was increased in two consecutive months. Also increased buying was expected to pick up in capital investment over the course of time. Since the China-Shanghai line was greatly increased over the afternoon session, the growing movement to take again operational risk even for Japanese stocks.

JPX Nikkei index 400 continued to grow three days, finished at 10,000 2453.26 of the previous day 124.20 points higher. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also three days continued to grow. Closing price was 1379.80 of the previous day 13.79 points high.

Tokyo Stock Exchange and 2 trillion 874 billion yen buying and selling price of one part are approximate, it exceeded the milestone of 2 trillion yen to about the first time in two weeks since 18 days. Buying and selling associated with the replacement of the MSCI index of adoption issues to develop and calculate the stock index is bulging at the end of trading time. Trading volume was 2.5 billion 28,400,000 shares. The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange's rise the number of stocks the entire 70% of the near 1336, drops 475, unchanged was 144.

TSE II stock index has continued to grow.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 31 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average has continued to grow. Closing price was the day before ratio of 9 yen 18 sen (0.36%) high 2548 yen 85 sen. It has improved investor sentiment in response to the postponement coverage of the consumption tax increase from the previous weekend. Yen exchange rate during the trading time has also contributed to the increase of the index that it has remained at approximately $ 1 = 111 yen level.

Buying and selling price is estimated at 39.1 billion yen of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 95.67 million shares. Teitsu and Gala, McDonald's has risen. Other hand, Ascot and Japan Rudd, Carna fell. JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks rebounded.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was continued to grow 3 days. Closing price was the day before ratio 12.15 points (1.07%) higher 1,144.64.

東証大引け、5日続伸 円安基調など支え、主力株が堅調
新興株31日、ジャスダックが上昇 東証マザーズ指数は3日続伸した。













Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, 17,000 yen recovery weaker yen and favorable impression of the tax increases postponed observation

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 30 days continued to grow, finished before the weekend ratio 233 yen 18 sen (1.39%) high 17,068 yen 02 sen at a high price of the day. 17,000 yen recovery'm about a month the first time since April 27. In the wake of the postponement observation of the consumption tax increase, containing the repurchase of foreign investors. And good feeling the weaker yen, dollar, automobile and shipping increases, the Nikkei average was also the scene gains of more than 200 yen. However, trading is thin, buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was a new low this year in every day.

From Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is 30 days morning, about the consumption tax increase postponed again, it continued to coordinate with the Liberal Democratic Party executives. Perceived as postponement of the consumption tax increase in the market is almost certainly, under the economic shake concern is retracted. Up of the food and service industry was also noticeable.

JPX Nikkei index 400 continued to grow, before it was 10,000 2329.06 weekend ratio 149.06 points (1.22 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to grow, it was 1366.01 of 16.08 points (1.19 percent) high.

Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was the lowest level since 1 trillion 560.4 billion yen and December 28, 2015 at a rough estimate. About 1 year and 9 months the first time in two trillion yen cracking, which is a measure of prosperity in the 8 consecutive business days. In addition to the postponement of the consumption tax increase, it was darker also air of the future, want to assess the contents of the economic measures by the government work out. Trading volume was 1.5 billion 97.73 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for about 78% of the total and 1534. Drops 307, unchanged was the 114 stocks.

TSE II stock index rebounded.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 30 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average rose. Closing price was the weekend before ratio 21 yen 71 sen(0.86%) high 2539 yen 67 sen. Yen exchange rate has been lowered to $ 1 =111 stand in about a month the first time at the Tokyo foreign exchange market. Intensified investors' risk appetite attitude Oyobi also in emergingcompanies stock, buying has become dominant.

Buying and selling price is estimated at 40.8 billion yen of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 62.46 million shares.
JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks was pullback.
Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was continued to grow. Closing pricewas the weekend before ratio 41.03 points (3.76 percent) higher 1,132.49

東証大引け、1万7000円台回復 円安や増税延期観測を好感











Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, policy expectations in the stretch in succession Summit closing, real estate this year the lowest
Emerging Stock 27 days, JASDAQ is flat Mothers rebound

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 27 days continued to grow 3 days. And the previous day 62 yen 38 sen (0.37%) Net 16,834 yen 84 sen, since April 27, ended in a 1-month highs. In response to the discussion of the G8 was closing today afternoon (Ise-Shima Summit), spread in the future of the policy expectations, supported the market. Crude oil futures market price of the previous day has entered is also buying in resource-related by the firm. However, strong wait-and-see mood of investors trying to Mikiwameyo the trend of US interest rate hikes in June, buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was the lowest this year.

Summit 27 days morning, towards the crisis avoidance of the world economy "Mobile to implement the financial strategy, structural policies decisively to promote the" agreed to the summit declaration, and the like. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was also shows the recognition that not strange happening crisis on a par with the collapse of Lehman Brothers about the current state of the world economy in 26 days. It intensified observation of the postponement of the consumption tax increase, eased concerns about the domestic economic slump.

JPX Nikkei index 400 was repelled. Closing price was 10,000 2,180.00 the previous day ratio of 65.94 points (0.54 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebounded, finishing at 1349.93 of 7.06 points (0.53%) Net.

Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was 1 trillion 658.1 billion yen this year, the lowest in the estimate. 7 interrupt the 2 trillion yen business day in a row, it was followed by a sluggish trading since that falls below the 2 trillion yen in the 17 consecutive business days through September 2, 2014. Trading volume was 1.8 billion 5.68 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 51 percent of the total with 988. Drops were 773 stocks, unchanged 188 stocks.

TSE II stock index was continued to fall.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 27 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average was flat. Same 2517 yen 96 sen the previous day closing price. Turnover was a low level for the first time in about three months. Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is also the lowest in the JASDAQ market without many short-term trading is gathered easily bio-related stocks as the Mothers market this year, was thinned is relatively trafficking.

Buying and selling price is estimated at 30.7 billion yen of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 58.17 million shares. Trading value was the lowest level since the 29.8 billion yen in February 29 days.

JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks gave a higher year-to-date a significant rebound and the day before ratio of 12 percent.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index rebounded for the first time in four business days. Closing price was the day before ratio 3.36 points (0.31 percent) higher 1,091.46.

東証大引け、続伸 サミット閉幕で政策期待、売買は今年最低
新興株27日、ジャスダックが横ばい マザーズは反発













Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, slightly firmer Western high stock is supported, the weight burden of the yen and the upside

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 26 days was slightly firmer in. Closing price was 16,772 yen 46 sen compared with the day before 15 yen 11 sen (0.09 percent) high. Since April 27, he finished in approximately 1-month highs. The day before of the Western high stock has become supportive of investor sentiment. On the other hand, after the appreciation of the yen against the dollar has become a burden, was pressed to sell was anaerobic the weight of the upside toward the end of trading.

In response to the previous day of the Western high stock an improvement in investor sentiment, the Nikkei average in the morning there was a scene approaching to 17,000 yen. However, the Nikkei average when buying a round has reduced the gains. When the yen exchange rate swings in the yen against the dollar, took a brake to improve the expectations of export profitability of the company. Is over the closing weight of the upside is consciousness gradually, also pushed to sell to determine the short-term profits, the average had a scene to turn to lowering Nikkei.

JPX Nikkei index 400 fell back slightly to, finished with 10,000 2,114.06 the previous day ratio of 4.37 points (0.04 percent) lower. Closing price of the Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) was 1342.87 of the previous day by 0.01 points weaker.

Tokyo Stock Exchange and one trillion 834.3 billion yen buying and selling price of one part are approximate, less than six consecutive days the milestone of 2 trillion yen. It lined up to 2 trillion yen cracking record of 6 days in a row until December 22-30, 2015. Trading volume is 1.7 billion 69.43 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 930, it drops is 844, unchanged was 179.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 26 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average fell back. Closing price was the day before ratio of 8 yen 48 sen (0.34%) cheap 2517 yen 96 sen.

JASDAQ-TOP20 was pullback.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was continued to fall three days. The closing price the day before ratio 10.89 points (0.99%) was a cheap 1,088.10.

東証大引け、小幅続伸 欧米株高が支え、円高や上値の重さ重荷 











Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, US stock high-received 1 month high, price range during the day is the minimum this year
Mothers index continued to fall, such as the FinTech related surged even faster to run away of funds

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 25 days is significant rebound for the first time in three business days, the day before ratio 258 yen 59 sen (1.57%) Net of 10,000 nearly a month the first time since 6757 yen 35 sen and 27 April It finished at a high price. In response to the US stock appreciation and depreciation of the yen the previous day, it swelled sales methods repurchase of export-related stocks mainstay. The day before in the consolidated results for the 2017 year ended March 31, (US GAAP) that announced the outlook Sony was 6% higher and the sharp rise was also pushed up the index. Other hand, the movement to tilt the high has ahead to tomorrow the G8 (Ise-Shima Summit) opening in one direction is poor, after buying round became a poor deployment of a sense of direction. Nikkei highs and lows of the difference in the trading hours of the average (width) is 74 yen 91 sen and since November 26, 2015, was about a half years smallness.

The Nikkei average had a scene to spread the gains up to 16,806 yen of 307 yen in the morning. After the US stock market has been significantly rebound, the yen has dropped to $ 1 = 110 yen level, profitability deteriorated concern of export-related companies took somewhat abated. Higher than the Nikkei average futures June compound 285 yen liquidation value of 24 days is the liquidation value of the medium trading day of the Osaka Securities Exchange of (yen-denominated) of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), buying with an awareness of this level is inflated to futures I.

Other hand, there is also that the yen exchange rate has Sageshibu' to 109 yen, selling of return waiting and profit objective was to suppress the upside. Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange has become a one trillion 782.6 billion yen, lower than the 2 trillion yen, which is a measure of prosperity and continued for 5 days and 6 days length since continuous toward the end of last year.

JPX Nikkei index 400 to rebound to 3 days the first time and finished at 10,000 2118.43 of the previous day 143.84 points higher. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) was also rebound to 3 days the first time. Industry TOPIX 31 industries in 33 industries rose. Such as "insurance" and "iron and steel industry", "information and communications industry," it has risen. Other hand, as a "drug" and "other financial" is lowered.

The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange trading volume was 1.6 billion 18.34 million shares. Gainers accounted for nearly 70% of the total and 1333. Drops is 474, unchanged was 146.

TSE II stock index rebounded.

Today's Mothers market, but was preceded by buying him to rise an average of Nikkei, was continued to run away fast upside heavy deployment of funds. In one corner of this place strong price movement was followed by stocks, it was also seen movement to turn off the rapidly value with increasing dose. In addition to the individual material stock, but ransacked also the theme lines, such as FinTech related and trans-boundary EC association was headed, rise was poor in durability. In addition, Mothers index continued to fall, 175.168 billion yen buying and selling price are approximate. Losers number became rose 99 stocks, drops 113 stocks, unchanged 13 stocks.

Nikkei JASDAQ average rebound and 2526 yen 44 sen compared with the day before 81 sen high of 25 days closing.













Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, continued to fall trading value this year at least, stronger mood conservative buying
Emerging Stock 24 days, JASDAQ 4 days after pullback

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 24 days and continued to fall, finishing at 16,498 yen 76 sen compared with the day before 155 yen 84 sen (0.94%) depreciation. Conservative buying mood has spread to the background a sense of caution to the appreciation of the yen. In order to assess the agreement in the G8 from the 26 days (Ise-Shima Summit), it came out also selling to adjust the height have.

Foreign exchange market in the yen exchange rate is swing in the yen against the dollar of $ 1 = 109 yen level, spread selling was concerned about the deterioration of the export profit margins, such as in the automobile and electrical machinery. Copper in the previous day of the overseas market, zinc, because the nickel market was down, was also sold Sumitomo ore and Mitsui gold of non-ferrous.

Trading was quiet. Until the agreement of the summit is apparent many investors who want to holding back the aggressive buying and selling, aggressive buying and selling was poor.

JPX Nikkei index 400 was continued to fall. Closing price was 10,000 1974.59 of the previous day 116.06 points (0.96%) depreciation. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) is continued to fall, finishing at 1326.50 of 12.18 points (0.91 percent) lower.

Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was updated this year at least following the previous day and the one trillion 665.8 billion yen estimate. Trading volume was 1.6 billion 27.83 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 1272, accounted for about 65 percent of the total. Rise is 529, unchanged was the 152 stocks.

Nissan Karusokanse which the self is transmitted and to consider all of the shares sold will be significantly weaker, machinery of IHI and Mitsubishi Heavy, the Kubota agricultural equipment lowered. Lowering of Tokio Marine and Uni-Charm was also large. On the other hand, NTT DoCoMo and OLC is rising. Up of the Isuzu was also noticeable.

TSE II stock index was fell back for the first time in four business days.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 24 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average fell back for the first time in four business days. Closing price was the day before ratio of 5 yen 45 sen (0.22%) cheap 2525 yen 63 sen. Against the background of a sense of caution to the strong yen, the brake is applied to the improvement of investor sentiment. Nikkei Stock Average to fall, sell well in emerging enterprise stock market has become dominant. Among the stronger the aspects of the clue flame, investors tilting aggressively have high is small, the leading shares of the emerging markets came out selling have height adjustment.

Buying and selling price is estimated at 41.8 billion yen of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 87.49 million shares.
JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks was continued to fall three days.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was fell back for the first time in four business days. The closing price the day before ratio 13.69 points (1.22 percent) was a cheap 1,105.54.

東証大引け、続落 売買代金は今年最低、買い控えムード強まる














Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, anaerobic setback one o'clock 300 yen than weak G7 result and the appreciation of the yen
Emerging Stock 23 days, JASDAQ is firmer Mothers 4 percent

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 23 days fell back for the first time in three business days, finished at 16,654 yen 60 sen before weekend ratio of 81 yen 75 sen (0.49%) depreciation. In seven major countries (G7) finance ministers and central bank governors meeting, which was closing in 21 days, disappointed selling came out because there was no particularly remarkable achievement. That the yen exchange rate is contained strength compared to the previous weekend also led to the deterioration of market sentiment. Lower width was imminent in the temporary 320 yen in the morning.

For fiscal stimulus in the G7 finance ministers and central bank governors meeting, it was only to check with other countries to determine, respectively. Can not match the need for aggressive fiscal stimulus, it spreads the view that not enough.

Further yen exchange rate is swing in the yen against the dollar direction at a $ 1 = 109 yen level the second half of the previous weekend ratio, led to the selling of the export-related stocks. Because many of the export companies are setting the current fiscal year of the assumed exchange rate $ 1 = 110 yen, the yen is likely to increases the downside of performance anxiety and progress than this level.

After the sale was round the most conspicuous is a movement Sageshiburu. Ahead of the G8 in 26-27 days (Ise-Shima Summit), part of the deep-rooted policy expectations has underpinned the market.

JPX Nikkei index 400 fell back, before it was 10,000 2090.65 weekend ratio 45.52 points (0.38 percent) lower. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also fell back, was 1338.68 of 4.72 points (0.35%) depreciation.

Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is a one trillion 709.2 billion yen estimate, updated the lowest this year. 3 The business day trading value in a row is less than the 2 trillion yen, but about two months the first time since March 25-29 days. Trading volume was 1.7 billion 30.82 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 52 per cent of the total with 1018. Rise is 773, unchanged was the 162 stocks.

TSE II stock index has continued to grow 3 days.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 23 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average continued to grow 3 days. Closing price was the weekend before ratio 14 yen 84 sen (0.59%) High 2531 yen 08 sen.

Buying and selling price is estimated at 47.4 billion yen of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 85.96 million shares.
JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks was continued to fall.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was continued to grow 3 days. Closing price was the weekend before ratio 38.41 points (3.55%) higher 1,119.23.

東証大引け、反落 一時300円超安 G7結果や円高を嫌気
新興株23日、ジャスダックが続伸 マザーズは4%高














Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, including strength on buying firmer policy expectations, also selling closing out

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 20 days continued to grow. Closing price was 16,736 yen 35 sen compared with the day before 89 yen 69 sen (0.54%) Net. In seven major countries (G7) finance ministers and central bank governors meeting, the expectations of the countries in the economic policies, such as fiscal stimulus is to confirm the cooperative attitude precedes, buying has become dominant. However, aggressive buying is not followed by a weekend that was ahead of the important events, selling of closing out the objective was to suppress the upside of one stage.

Morning has remained low in response to the decline in the US stock market the day before. In the market, there was a view that "some investors were put intermittent buying focusing on stock index futures" in speculation of policy expectations.

JPX Nikkei index 400 rebounded, closing price was 12,136.17 of 49.80 points (0.41 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebounded, finishing at 1343.40 of 6.84 points (0.51 percent) high.

Tokyo Stock Exchange and one trillion 883.1 billion yen buying and selling price of one part are approximate, was the lowest level since May 9 days less than in the daily 2 trillion yen of the milestone. Trading volume is 1.8 billion 87.27 million shares. The First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange's rise number of securities of the entire 70% less than 1332, drops 481, unchanged was 139.

TSE II stock index has continued to grow.

Emerging Stock 20 days, gather to buy on the JASDAQ firmer automatic driving-related

In emerging enterprise stock market of 20 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average has continued to grow. Closing price was the day before ratio of 9 yen 26 sen (0.37%) high 2516 yen 24 sen. Government Nikkei Stock Average in such speculation to the fiscal stimulus has remained steady due to, investor sentiment has improved. Buy any emerging equity markets companies became dominant. In reports that "government is to ban the unmanned automatic operation of passenger cars in 2020", it swelled buying of individual investors to the automatic driving-related stocks such as Dawn and eye Santeku.

Buying and selling price is estimated at 51.7 billion yen of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 86.16 million shares. JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks was pullback.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was continued to grow. Closing price was the day before ratio 12.74 points (1.19 percent) higher 1,080.82. Trading value and 170.7 billion yen, was a low level for the first time in two weeks since 6 days.

東証大引け、続伸 政策期待の買いで強含む、手じまい売りも






新興株20日、ジャスダック続伸 自動運転関連に買い集まる







Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, small rebound 1 yen, drifting in the market not last to buy any good economic indicators paranoia

Emerging Stock 19 days, JASDAQ average, Mothers index are both rebound

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 19 days is slightly rebound, finishing at 16,646 yen 66 sen of the day before ratio of 1 yen 97 sen (0.01%) High. Yen exchange rate in the foreign exchange market has swung to $ 1 = 110 yen level and the depreciation of the yen-dollar direction of about 3 weeks the first time, I went into buying you expect profitability improvement in export-related stocks such as automobiles. Material stocks fell the resources depreciation in the background, the Nikkei average, but there was also a scene that turned to lowering, communication lines, such as KDDI is pushing up strong note, the stock index over the closing.

Indu before March machinery orders by the Cabinet Office announced in exceeded market expectations, with the momentum to rise early in the morning. But buying is not last, in the middle of trading weight of the upside is anaerobic selling rush to profit was growing time. Seven major countries to be held from tomorrow in the market (G7) There is also a voice that you want identify the contents of the finance ministers meeting, the afternoon became a poor price movements of a sense of direction.

JPX Nikkei index 400 fell back for the first time in four business days, the closing price was 10,000 2,086.37 the previous day ratio of 17.81 points (0.15%) depreciation. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also fell back to four business days the first time and finished at 1,336.56 of 1.82 points (0.14%) depreciation.

Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange fell below 1 trillion 922.7 billion yen and 2 trillion yen estimate. Trading volume was 2,000,000,000 18,770,000 shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 1012, it accounted for about 52% of the total. Drops 809, unchanged was the 130 stocks.

TSE II stock index rebounded for the first time in three business days.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 19 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average rebounded. Closing price was the previous day 11 yen 53 sen (0.46%) high 2506 yen 98 sen. In addition to buying was dominated autonomous rebound aim at the reaction was lowered to the day before, was an improvement in investor sentiment weaker yen, the dollar in the foreign exchange market advances. However, it pushed to sell the return waiting, was also sluggish scene.

Buying and selling price 390 billion yen in the estimate of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 76.19 million shares. JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks rebounded.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was repulsive.

東証大引け、小反発 1円高、良好な経済指標でも買い続かず 市場に漂う疑心暗鬼













The Nikkei average, 3 days after pullback Suzuki plunge burden, bank stocks height support
JPX Nikkei 400 closing, of the stretch in succession 17 points High 12104

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 18 days is small margin fell back for the first time in three business days, finished at 16,644 yen 69 sen of the day before 8 yen 11 sen ratio (0.05%) depreciation. Suzuki, the possibility of fuel consumption data fraud is transmitted is plunged in afternoon trading, spread selling in automobile stocks in general. There is also stock price plunge of start-up companies, investor sentiment was down on the Nikkei average is temporary 140 yen near worsening. Real gross domestic product (GDP) preliminary figures of the 2016 January-March quarter of the announcement the morning exceeded market expectations, the Bank of Japan observation of the go ahead to the additional monetary easing with the expansion of the negative interest rates retreated.

The Nikkei average had a scene to rise too much 140 yen before the end of the morning trading. GDP in the January-March quarter was much longer than the 0.3% increase, which is the center of year-on-year annual rate of increase of 1.7% and market expectations. In addition to insurance lines stricken banking stocks and operational difficulties in the recession of negative interest expanding observation of the Bank of Japan has been buying, expectations for economic stimulus measures from the view that the growth of GDP in consideration of the leap year slightly also supported the market.

Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange exceeded 2 trillion 336.6 billion yen (reported basis) and 2 trillion yen in three days the first time at a rough estimate.

JPX Nikkei index 400 of 18 days continued to grow, the closing price was 10,000 2,104.18 the previous day ratio 17.66 points high. In response to the announcement of the real gross domestic product of the 2016 January-March quarter (GDP), and real estate stocks bought in the expectation of the government's economic measures, in the observation of the effects of negative interest rate of the Bank of Japan is limited bank stocks were also ransacked.

日経平均、3日ぶり反落 スズキ急落が重荷、銀行株高が支える
JPX日経400大引け、続伸 17ポイント高の1万2104








Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, psychological improvement high oil prices in the firmer US stock appreciation and depreciation of the yen tailwind
Emerging Stock 17 days, JASDAQ small rebound Mothers also rise

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 17 days continued to grow. It traded the previous day ratio of 186 yen 40 sen (1.13%) and high of 16,652 yen 80 sen and today's highs. Market sentiment has improved in response to the US stock prices and the yen's depreciation. Improvement and policy expectations of commodity prices also supported, was followed by a move to shop around the individual material stock.

Against the background of the Dow's Industrial 30 species average was $ 170 raised strength, attitude to take the operational risk in the country has been somewhat strengthened. Since the yen exchange rate has remained at $ 1 = 109 yen level and the depreciation of the yen-dollar, it subsides also concern that the profitability of exporting companies is deteriorated. Received an improvement in the external environment, it has entered a wide range of buying mainly in export-related stocks such as automobiles.

Nikkei was also average sluggish scene. 18 days mood and want to assess the January-March quarter gross domestic product (GDP) preliminary announcement morning spread, it was growing wait-and-see attitude. But among deep-rooted also view of an index policy expected to increase if the worse, became and deployment again bought through the close of trading in the futures-led.

JPX Nikkei index 400 stretch in succession to the previous day ratio 124.68 points (1.04 percent) high of 10,000 2,086.52, Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also continued to grow, it was 1335.85 of 14.20 points (1.07%) Net.

Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is a one trillion 898.8 billion yen estimate, it did not reach the 2 trillion yen following the previous day. Trading volume was 1.7 billion 84.45 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 77 per cent of the total with 1505. Drops 350, unchanged was 95 stocks.

TSE II stock index was small pullback for the first time in three business days.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 17 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average was slightly rebound for the first time in three business days. Closing price was the day before ratio of 6 yen 95 sen (0.28%) high 2514 yen 88 sen.

Nikkei JASDAQ average and the Mothers index was both greater than the value of the approaching.

Buying and selling price is estimated at 51.9 billion yen of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 80.27 million shares.
JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks rebounded for the first time in four business days.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was repulsive. Closing price was the day before ratio 14.67 points (1.30 percent) higher 1,140.04.

東証大引け、続伸 米株高や円安で心理改善 原油高も追い風
新興株17日、ジャスダックが小反発 マザーズも上昇














Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, rebound weaker yen a favorable impression, even buy-back in policy expected
Emerging Stock 16 days, JASDAQ losing streak Mothers index was 6.8 percent lower

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 16 days to rebound. It finished at 16,466 yen 40 sen compared with the day before 54 yen 19 sen (0.33%) Net. Eased concerns of profitability deterioration of export swings in the yen depreciated against the dollar in the foreign exchange market companies from the morning. Policy expected to be invited repurchase spread. Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was sluggish not reach the 2 trillion yen.

Nihon Keizai Shimbun morning edition dated 14 days, "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is 13 days, solidified a policy to postpone the increase in the consumption tax rate to 10 percent to be scheduled in April 2017 again," it was reported. Only was Nezuyoka' the economic downturn concern by the consumption tax increase, speculation to the policy that considers the economy were able to draw the sales methods repurchase of spread. Voice to expect to bold fiscal policy welcomed the G8 (Ise-Shima Summit) at the end of this month many.

Although selling the morning in response to the US stock prices before the weekend was preceded, investor sentiment has improved, there was a scene to rise before weekend ratio of 200 yen more than high in progress after which the weaker yen-dollar. New York crude oil futures market of 16 days has become a support to steady in after-hours trading.

JPX Nikkei index 400 was also rebound. Closing price was 10,000 1,961.84 the previous day ratio of 33.63 points (0.28 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebounded, finishing at 1321.65 of 1.46 points (0.11%) High.

Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was 1 trillion 933.2 billion yen estimate. Trading volume was 1.9 billion 52.08 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was only 38 percent of the total with 742. Drops in 1099, unchanged was the 109 stocks.

TSE II stock index has continued to grow.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 16 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average was slightly to fall continuously. Closing price was the weekend before ratio 17 yen 48 sen (0.69%) depreciation 2507 yen 93 sen. Buying and selling price is 83.7 billion yen in the estimate of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 100 million 30.66 million shares. JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks was continued to fall three days. Mothers plunged bio-related stocks of listed, also selling on the JASDAQ stock has become dominant.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was sudden pullback. Closing price since before weekend ratio 81.65 points (6.8 percent) cheap 1,125.37 and April 18, gave the approximately 1-month low. Rate of decline was the size of since February 12, about three months the first time.

東証大引け、反発 円安を好感、政策期待で買い戻しも
新興株16日、ジャスダック続落 マザーズ指数は6.8%安












Nikkei average closing, 5 days after pullback 234 yen depreciation return selling predominantly
Emerging Stock 13 days, JASDAQ six days after modest pullback Mothers rebound

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 13 days fell back for the first time in five business days, finished at 16,412 yen 21 sen compared with the day before 234 yen 13 sen (1.41%) depreciation. Because the gains were had exceeded the 500 yen continued to grow 4 days until the day before, selling for the purpose of return waiting for selling and profit were easy out. Together to sell through the business end is brought, it finished in the lows of the day.

The Nikkei average was also the scene to rise. The morning because the exchange rate had remained at weaker yen-dollar, investor sentiment has improved buying faded anxiety to export profitability deterioration of the company was preceded. Was the first of five days continued to grow goes into this year if the rise today, but buying did not last.

Turning to decline, it spreads the reduced width to 200 yen more than. In the evening of Japan time the US consumer confidence index of the US retail sales and May of April will be released. In the place that has been holding back buying ahead of the release of US economic indicators, somewhat coherent sell over the closing has been brought, has finished in the lows of the day.

JPX Nikkei index 400 fell back 159.09 points (1.32%) depreciation of 10,000 1,928.21, also fell back closing price Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) was 1320.19 of 17.08 points (1.28 percent) lower.

2 trillion 539.5 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading volume was 2.5 billion 1.97 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 76 per cent of the total with 1487. Rise is 410, unchanged was 54 stocks.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 13 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average fell back to slightly while the first time in six business days. Closing price was the day before ratio 13 sen (0.01%) cheap 2525 yen 41 sen. Among the large-cap of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange will fall, emerging company stock was also spread buyer refrain mood. Profit-taking, such as individual investors was easy out at the weekend. But the afternoon, one corner of the harmonic and Tanaka Kaken such as leading shares that are scheduled to earnings announcement after the close of trading are bought from expectations, was also the scene to turn on the JASDAQ average is up.

Buying and selling price is 65.2 billion yen in the estimate of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 100 million 3.98 million shares. JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks was continued to fall.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was repulsive. Closing price was the day before ratio 8.60 points (0.72%) higher 1,207.02.

日経平均大引け、5日ぶり反落 234円安 戻り売り優勢に
新興株13日、ジャスダックが6日ぶり小幅反落 マザーズは反発 












Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, repurchased four days continued to grow weaker yen, rush to buy the Mitsubishi Motors

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 12 days continued to grow four days. It finished at 16,646 yen 34 sen compared with the day before 67 yen 33 sen (0.41%) Net. Turned down the yen is against the US dollar, the afternoon was increased repurchase in export-related stocks. That Toyota has announced the current fiscal year of significant decline outlook to 11 days was Sageshibu' also eased investor sentiment. Buying rushed to the MMC Nissan itself is transmitted and embark on capital support.

Received a US stock prices of 11 days, there was a morning session of the Nikkei average width down has more than 200 yen scene. However, not last the momentum of selling, increased gradually bargain-hunting mainly in stocks of undervalued investment index surface, such as iron and steel stocks and banking stocks.

2016 March period earnings announcement of the major companies in greet the climax, conspicuous also move to shop around aggressive stocks to shareholders distribution and capital investment.

Mitsubishi Motors is rounded up quotes buy from the morning, closing the trade is established at the upper limit (stop high) level of price limit. On the other hand, Nissan self-fell.

JPX Nikkei index 400 was repelled. Closing price was 10,000 2,087.30 the previous day ratio of 27.79 points (0.23 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebounded, finishing at 1337.27 of 2.97 points (0.22%) Net.

Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was 2 trillion 171.3 billion yen estimate. Trading volume was sluggish both 2 billion 67,710,000 shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 46% of the total with 898. Drops 925, unchanged was the 128 stocks.

TSE II stock index was fell back for the first time in five business days.

東証大引け、4日続伸 円安で買い戻し、三菱自に買い殺到











Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, modest three-day stretch in succession of buying ahead of profit-selling at the highs

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 11 days continued to grow slightly, while three days, finished at 16,579 yen 01 sen compared with the day before 13 yen 82 sen (0.08%) Net. Although weaker yen in the previous day of the overseas market advances US stock market was preceded by buying took over the flow was significantly high, in the highs profit-taking interest was restrained upside. Try the upside toward the end of the yen in the Tokyo market is trading, wary of to profitability deterioration of export-related companies of the flagship was also suppressed the upside that was growing again.

Ahead of the 2016 fiscal year ended March 31 financial results for Toyota after the close of trading, it was growing even wait-and-see attitude.

The morning buying was predominant. Yen exchange rate will fall to $ 1 = 109 yen level and about 2 weeks the first time lows, profitability deteriorated concern of export-related companies took somewhat abated. Liquidation value of the 10 days of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange the Nikkei average futures June of the (CME) (yen) exceeds 200 yen liquidation value of the medium trading day of the Osaka Securities Exchange. The Nikkei average of the gains had a scene to expand up to 250 yen a little less than.

Nikkei average that exceeds the 16,794 yen hits the back half of the recent highs and lows, has spread a sense of accomplishment. Sale of return waiting and have height adjustment purpose becomes dominant, the Nikkei average of the upside was heavy. When the yen exchange rate toward the end of trading to extending the gains, the Nikkei average had a scene that devalue the level up to 16,536 yen of 28 yen depreciation.
JPX Nikkei index 400 fell back for the first time in three business days, finished with 10,000 2,059.51 the previous day ratio 10.38 points weaker. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also fell back to 3 days the first time. Industry TOPIX 14 industries in 33 industries rose. "Machine" and "information and communications industry," has risen. Half, lowering such as "other financial services" and "petroleum coal products" was conspicuous.

Buying and selling price is 2 trillion 187.5 billion yen in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, trading volume was 2.1 billion 28.64 million shares. Gainers were lower than 925 899 and Losers. Unchanged was 127.

TSE II stock index has continued to grow four days while flat area.

東証大引け、小幅に3日続伸 買い先行も高値圏で利益確定売り










Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, buying in export shares at a much firmer yen depreciation, Nitto is significantly high

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 10 days is significantly firmer, finishing at 16,565 yen 19 sen compared with the day before 349 yen 16 sen (2.15%) Net. Dropped to yen exchange rate is $ 1 = 108 yen level the second half in the foreign exchange market, recession is a concern, such as erosion of profitability deterioration and overseas earnings of exporters. Review buying entered the export-related stocks such as automobiles.

In addition to the weak yen, China is also economic indicators, which was announced in the morning was the content of more than market expectations, it improved the investor sentiment was cautious to buy, became one-stage high from mid-morning session.

In the market there has been speculation that went buying of pension funds. It seemed to institutional investors there was a motion to direct the funds to the domestic stock, was also conspicuous-up of the financial stocks such as large insurance and banking of market capitalization.

JPX Nikkei index 400 was significantly firmer. Closing price was 10,000 2069.89 of the previous day 257.31 points (2.18 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) is a significant stretch in succession, finishing at 1334.90 of 28.24 points (2.16 percent) high.

2 trillion 429.7 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading volume was 2.3 billion 72.82 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and 1663, it accounted for about 85 percent of the total. Drops 240, unchanged was 48 stocks.

TSE II stock index has continued to grow 3 days.

東証大引け、大幅続伸 円安で輸出株に買い、日東電が大幅高










Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, in 7 days after repelling US stock appreciation and depreciation of the yen, trading value this year the lowest
Emerging Stock 9 days JASDAQ is the stretch in succession Mothers 3 day stretch in succession

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 9 days to rebound for the first time in seven business days. Closing price was 16,216 yen 03 sen before weekend ratio of 109 yen 31 sen (0.68%) Net. US stocks to rise of 6 days, investor sentiment has improved. A halt the yen against the dollar in the foreign exchange market, excessive concerns about the profitability deterioration of the export companies is retracted. Wait-and-see mood of want to assess the 2016 fiscal year ended March 31 closing of the major companies strongly, buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was a new low this year.

An increase in the number of employment non-agricultural sector in the US employment statistics of the April 6 announcement is lower than the market forecast, the same day of US stocks in the recession of the United States of an early interest rate hike has risen it becomes support. The average wage in the United States fell to elevated yen exchange rate for a temporary $ 1 = 107 yen level, for the Japanese stocks aligned buying material that US stock prices and the depreciation of the yen. Partly reaction was a substantial drop in up to six days, repurchase became dominant.

JPX Nikkei index 400 rebounded for the first time in 10,000 1812.58 and 7 days before the weekend ratio 75.22 points (0.64 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also in the rebound for the first time in seven days, the closing price was 1306.66 before weekend ratio 8.34 points (0.64 percent) high.

Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange remained at a low level since 1 trillion 731.7 billion yen, 15 December 30, at a rough estimate. Trading volume was 1.7 billion 18.49 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is 1283, it drops 567, unchanged was 101.

TSE II stock index has continued to grow.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 9 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average has continued to grow. Closing price was the weekend before ratio 24 yen 10 sen (0.98%) high 2493 yen 33 sen. In the US high stock of potions and before the weekend the yen, investor sentiment rises and the Nikkei Stock Average is inclined bullish. Also in the emerging enterprise stock market has increased investors' risk investment posture. Among the gains of leading shares of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in the full-scale of the earnings announcement is limited, spread the bio-related, such as theme ransacked.

Buying and selling price is 50.7 billion yen in the estimate of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 100 million 12.77 million shares. JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks has continued to grow.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was continued to grow 3 days. Closing price was the weekend before ratio 33.06 points (2.80 percent) higher 1,213.44.

東証大引け、7日ぶり反発 米株高や円安で、売買代金は今年最低 
新興株9日 ジャスダックが続伸 マザーズは3日続伸 












Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, 6 days continued to fall important dates mining and steel strain under which lacks sense of direction before
Emerging Stock 6 days, JASDAQ rebound Mothers continued to grow at 4 percent

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 6 days of Golden Week holidays valley was continued to fall 6 days. Holiday 40 yen 66 sen compared to the previous two days end with a (0.25%) depreciation of 16,106 yen 72 sen, was with about 3 weeks the first time lows since April 12. Intensified wait-and-see mood ahead of the important dates, such as the US employment statistics for the year ended March 31, earnings announcement and April of leading companies, was the poor development of the sense of direction.

Morning the Nikkei average more than 1400 yen in the five working days of up to two days, because it was fall, buying you expect a near-term return was preceded. Gains there was a scene with more than 120 yen. After round buying turned to soon lowering out such selling was concerned about the current fiscal year performance of the company. Australia (AU) the dollar fell sharply against the yen also cast a shadow on the market psychology, became a temporary 150 yen more than depreciation.

In the afternoon, be aware of the exchange-traded fund (ETF) buying the Bank of Japan, was reduced gradually reduced width.

JPX Nikkei index 400 was of 6 days continued to fall to 12.13 points (0.10%) depreciation of 10,000 1,737.36, 1.64 points (0.13%) in the six day losing streak Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) depreciation 1,298.32.

2 trillion 238.5 billion yen in the buying and selling price estimate of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Trading volume was 2.1 billion 40.94 million shares. Gainers of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 43 per cent of the total with 843. Rise is 993, unchanged was the 114 stocks.

TSE II stock index rebounded for the first time in five business days.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 6 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average rebounded for the first time in three business days. Closing price and 20 yen 23 sen (0.83%) high 2469 yen 23 sen compared with the two days before the long weekend, was almost today's highs. Upon to refrain from the beginning of the week to the flagship company earnings announcement, there is the announcement of Japan time the US employment statistics on this evening, buying was holding back on the leading shares of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. On the other hand, in emerging markets, "the minute there is no futures, funds of individual investors to the price movements of the good stocks if there material is headed," that (major domestic securities).

36.5 billion yen trading value of JASDAQ market at a rough estimate, trading volume was 85.72 million shares. JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks rebounded to 3 business days the first time.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was continued to grow. Closing price was the same 47.89 points (4.23 percent) higher 1,180.38.

東証大引け、6日続落 重要日程前に方向感欠く 鉱業や鉄鋼株下
新興株6日、ジャスダックが反発 マザーズは4%高で続伸













Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, 500 yen super decline in five days continued to fall yen surged, repurchased lows

Emerging Stock 2 days, JASDAQ has continued to fall
Mothers in the inflows of individuals rebounded

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of two days significantly continued to fall 5 days, and Japan is 518 yen 67 sen compared to April 28 days before the holiday (3.11%) depreciation of 16,147 yen 38 sen, April 12 It finished in almost three weeks the first time lows since the day. Vigilance and a temporary $ 1 = 106 yen level the yen has surged from the previous business day of the yen against the dollar level of 2 yen more than, the erosion of profitability deterioration and overseas assets of export companies of Toyota and Nissan its own, such as flagship It inflated the selling. After the round of selling is the repurchase of how to sell ahead of a three-day weekend in Japan entered in the lows, to prop up the market. That corner of the domestic demand-related stocks that NTT DoCoMo, such as good material came out was bought was also put the brakes on one step depreciation of the index.

It swelled selling from morning. Chicago Mercantile Exchange the Nikkei average futures June of the (CME) liquidation value of the April 29 days of (yen-denominated) falls below 640 yen liquidation value of the medium trading day of the Osaka Securities Exchange on April 28 days.

The Nikkei average had a scene below the psychological milestone of 16,000 yen to 15,975 yen since April 12, the first time in nearly three weeks of 690 yen depreciation.

Terms of the yen took a little sluggish, 10,000 in the level below 6000 yen repurchase of how to sell and selling a round from the fact that the average has remained firm Nikkei became dominant. In addition to crude oil futures market has remained at 1 barrel = 45 dollars and highs in after-hours trading, the investor sentiment is also possible that the US stock index futures in a possible 24-hour trading GLOBEX (Chicago futures trading system) was firm It became a constant support.

JPX Nikkei index 400 is also significantly fall continuously five days, it finished with 10,000 1749.49 of the previous business day ratio 375.19 points (3.09 percent) lower. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) was also significantly fall continuously 5 days. Industry TOPIX All 33 industries fell. "Shipping industry" and "glass stone and clay products," "electrical equipment" such as the five industries of the rate of decline has exceeded 4%.

Buying and selling price is 2 trillion 623.9 billion yen in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, trading volume was 2.4 billion 95.17 million shares. Losers accounted for 9% of the total and 1758. Rise is 168, unchanged 24.

TSE II stock index was continued to fall four days.

Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average in emerging enterprise stock market of the two days was slightly to fall continuously. Closing price was 9 yen 20 sen (0.37%) depreciation of 2449 yen 00 sen compared to the previous week April 28 closing price. In response to the sharp rise of the yen Nikkei Stock Average of two days and continued to fall significantly, investor sentiment has deteriorated even in emerging markets. On the other hand, such as the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index to rebound, funds of individuals who anaerobic evil of the price movements of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange stocks due to the yen was also surface that has flowed into the emerging markets.

Buying and selling price is estimated at 39.1 billion yen of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 88.07 million shares.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index was slightly rebounded. Closing price was 28 days ratio 0.93 points (0.08 percent) higher 1,132.49.

東証大引け、5日続落 円急伸で500円超下落、安値圏で買い戻し










