

Tokyo Stock Exchange closing, policy expectations in the stretch in succession Summit closing, real estate this year the lowest
Emerging Stock 27 days, JASDAQ is flat Mothers rebound

The Nikkei Stock Average in Tokyo stock market of 27 days continued to grow 3 days. And the previous day 62 yen 38 sen (0.37%) Net 16,834 yen 84 sen, since April 27, ended in a 1-month highs. In response to the discussion of the G8 was closing today afternoon (Ise-Shima Summit), spread in the future of the policy expectations, supported the market. Crude oil futures market price of the previous day has entered is also buying in resource-related by the firm. However, strong wait-and-see mood of investors trying to Mikiwameyo the trend of US interest rate hikes in June, buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was the lowest this year.

Summit 27 days morning, towards the crisis avoidance of the world economy "Mobile to implement the financial strategy, structural policies decisively to promote the" agreed to the summit declaration, and the like. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was also shows the recognition that not strange happening crisis on a par with the collapse of Lehman Brothers about the current state of the world economy in 26 days. It intensified observation of the postponement of the consumption tax increase, eased concerns about the domestic economic slump.

JPX Nikkei index 400 was repelled. Closing price was 10,000 2,180.00 the previous day ratio of 65.94 points (0.54 percent) high. Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX) also rebounded, finishing at 1349.93 of 7.06 points (0.53%) Net.

Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was 1 trillion 658.1 billion yen this year, the lowest in the estimate. 7 interrupt the 2 trillion yen business day in a row, it was followed by a sluggish trading since that falls below the 2 trillion yen in the 17 consecutive business days through September 2, 2014. Trading volume was 1.8 billion 5.68 million shares. Rise number of securities of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange accounted for 51 percent of the total with 988. Drops were 773 stocks, unchanged 188 stocks.

TSE II stock index was continued to fall.

In emerging enterprise stock market of 27 days, the Nikkei JASDAQ Stock Average was flat. Same 2517 yen 96 sen the previous day closing price. Turnover was a low level for the first time in about three months. Buying and selling price of the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is also the lowest in the JASDAQ market without many short-term trading is gathered easily bio-related stocks as the Mothers market this year, was thinned is relatively trafficking.

Buying and selling price is estimated at 30.7 billion yen of the JASDAQ market, trading volume was 58.17 million shares. Trading value was the lowest level since the 29.8 billion yen in February 29 days.

JASDAQ-TOP20 be composed of leading stocks gave a higher year-to-date a significant rebound and the day before ratio of 12 percent.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers index rebounded for the first time in four business days. Closing price was the day before ratio 3.36 points (0.31 percent) higher 1,091.46.

東証大引け、続伸 サミット閉幕で政策期待、売買は今年最低
新興株27日、ジャスダックが横ばい マザーズは反発











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