
2015-10-09 Nikkei225average->18,438.67(+297.5) J-VIX->25.63

Good feeling the WTI crude oil futures is $ 49 recovery

In the morning, energy-related, such as 5019.T Idemitsu is bought.

Afternoon, announced the upward revision 1802.T Obayashi is the performance expected during lunch break

Construction-related stocks bought.

総合 General construction
1802.T 大林組(OBAYASHI Corporation) +9.50% \1,083 (売買単位1000)
1801.T 大成建設(TAISEI Corporation) +7.22% \802 (売買単位1000)
1861.T 熊谷組(Kumagai Gumi Corporation) +4.18% \399 (売買単位1000)

トンネル Tunnel construction
1822.T 大豊建設(DAIHO Corporation) +4.64% \541 (売買単位1000)
1815.T 鉄建建設(TEKKEN Corporation) +5.86% \325 (売買単位1000)

海洋・地盤改良 Ground improvement
1813.T 不動テトラ(Fudo Tetra Corporation) +2.42% \169 (売買単位100)
1893.T 五洋建設(Penta Ocean Construction Corporation) +4.47% \569 (売買単位100)

午後、昼休み中に業績予想を上方修正した1802 大林組が買われ、そこから建設株が大幅上昇

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